阿邦看香港的核心價值 作者:阿邦 香港核心價值的三十三項內容 香港核心價值(The Core Values of Hong Kong)應該包括: 1. 捍衛英美式資本主義的自由市場經濟的精神 2. 適當接受歐洲的社會民主主義或民主社會主義的洗禮,亦接受來自中國的威權社會主義 3. 提倡以一人一票為主的西方式民主,確保三權分立的現代政治的原則 4. 提倡西方的自由、民主、人權、法治四大普世價值 5. 尊重與遵守來自西方的法治精神,而司法獨立是現代社會的法治得以確立的基礎 6. 提倡公平公義的精神 7. 提倡和平仁愛的精神,發揮佛教的慈悲與耶穌基督的大愛 8. 提倡多元、自由、寬容、開放的社會態度 9. 尊重個人,恪守專業,成功靠打拼,靠自己 10. 維護一夫一妻的傳統家庭觀念,不鼓勵離婚,尤其是不鼓勵女性提出離婚 11. 尊重老人,關心老人,愛護兒童,關心兒童的成長 12. 在維護一夫一妻的家庭制度的同時,不反對同性戀 13. 本著多元、自由、寬容、開放的社會態度,尊重同性戀者與雙性戀者的選擇,接受同性伴侶關係合法化,但不接受同性婚姻 14. 反對殘疾歧視與性傾向歧視,減少對婦女的歧視 15. 盡量拉近男女之間的距離,造成比較平等的社會 16. 關心弱勢社群 17. 同時尊重中國與美國,努力成為中國與西方之間的溝通橋樑與交匯點 18. 不要忽視綠色思想與綠色運動的價值,重視環境保護與生態保護 19. 建設人性化的社會環境 20. 與全世界緊密聯繫,尤其是保持與歐美國家的聯繫,不會在地球文明進化中落後 21. 向全球性金融中心的地位發展,保持亞洲的重要的金融中心地位的位置 22. 保持利益集團多元化的社會格局 23. 重視言論自由與新聞自由,保持資訊流通的暢通 24. 發展資訊科技 25. 重視醫療制度的建設與對所有人的醫療保障 26. 廉潔與高效率的小政府是香港管治制度的重要特點之一 27. 奉行生育自由政策,根據經濟能力與自願決定生育孩子的數目,歌訣是「一個嬌,兩個妙,三個夠晒數」 28. 香港人多數信仰觀世音菩薩、黃大仙、關公及媽祖等,亦有不少人信仰天主教及基督教,佛教及道教皆盛行 (2014年10月,觀世音菩薩指定三界伏魔大帝關公為香港的第一大護法,並指定關公與油麻地城隍為香港的左右大護法。) 29. 無論男女,皆喜愛穿三角內褲,年輕女性喜歡穿比堅尼泳裝,男人多數會穿三角內褲及三角泳褲,四十歲或六十歲以上的男人有不少選擇穿四角內褲(俗稱孖煙通) 30. 開展多種運動,包括足球、籃球、排球、羽毛球、網球、乒乓球、壁球、游泳、單車、武術、風帆等等各種運動 31. 不論老幼,男人可以隨時隨地與七日二十四小時赤膊(或上身赤裸或赤裸上身),是上天或大自然賦予男人的自然權利與傳統社會習俗 32. 香港人重視英語的學習,因為英語是第一國際語言,亦重視普通話的學習,因為普通話是中華國的第一官方標準語言,但香港人堅定捍衛廣州話的粵語標準話的傳統,堅持香港話的第一母語的地位 33. 香港人愛清潔,不會在街上大小便或吐痰,有不少公共廁所供人使用 7-7-2012, 21-2-2013, 16-3-2013, (22-10-2014) | |||||
Ah Pong's View on the Core Values of Hong Kong Author - Ah Pong The thirty-three content of Hong Kong's core values The core values of Hong Kong should be including: 1. Defend the spirit of the free market economy of the Anglo-American capitalism 2. Appropriate to accept the baptism of social democracy or democratic socialism from the Europe, and accept the authoritarian socialism from the China 3. Advocating Western-style democracy, mainly one person, one vote, to ensure that the principle of the separation of powers of the modern political 4. Proponent of Western four universal values of freedom (or liberty), democracy, human rights, rule of law 5. respect and abide by the spirit of the rule of law from the West, and the independence of the judiciary is the basis of modern society, the rule of law has been established 6. to promote the spirit of fair justice 7. to promote peace and loving spirit, play Buddhist compassion and great love of Jesus Christ 8. Advocating diversity, freedom, tolerance, open social attitudes 9. Individual respect and abide by the professional, success depends on hard work, on their own 10. Maintain monogamy traditional family values, does not encourage divorce, in particular, does not encourage women to apply for a divorce 11. Respect for the elderly, care for the elderly and care for children, care for children's growth 12. While maintaining monogamous family system, not against homosexuality 13. spirit of diversity, freedom, tolerance, open social attitudes, respect the choice of homosexuals and bisexuals and accept the legalization of same-sex couples, but does not accept same-sex marriage 14. against disability discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination, reduce discrimination against women 15. Try to narrow the distance between men and women, resulting in a relatively equal society 16. Concern for the underprivileged 17. While respecting China and the United States, and strive to become the bridge and intersection between the China and the West 18. Do not ignore the value of green thoughts and green movement, attention to environmental protection and ecological protection 19. Construction of humanitarian social environment 20. Closely linked with the rest of the world, especially to maintain ties with the United States and Europe, will not be backward in the evolution of civilization on Earth 21. to the development of a global financial center, to keep the location of important financial center in Asia 22. Maintain diversified social structure of interest groups 23. Emphasis on freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and to maintain the smooth flow of information 24. Development of Information Technology 25. Emphasis on the construction of the health care system and medical insurance for all 26. honest small government with high efficiency is one of the important characteristics of the system of governance in Hong Kong 27. Pursue reproductive freedom policy, according to the economic capacity and voluntary decision to have children, the number of verses is "one is fragile, two are wonderful, three are enough number" 28. The most faith of Hong Kong people is the Guan Yin, Wong Tai Sin, Guan Gong and Matsu, etc., and also a lot of people believe in Catholicism and Protestantism, Buddhism and Taoism are prevalent (In October 2014, the Guan Yin has appointed that the Guan Gong is the No.1 Dharma Protector of Hong Kong, as well as has appointed the Guan Gong and the Yaumatei Shing Wong are the two head protectors of Hong Kong on the right and left side.) 29. Both men and women like to wear briefs; young girls like to wear bikinis. Men mostly wear briefs and speedos (or triangular swimming trunks). Many men over 40 or 60 choose to wear boxer shorts (aka double chimneys)[boxers (colloquially called as Maa Yin Tung in Cantonese)]. 30. to carry out a variety of sports, all kinds of sports, including football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, squash, swimming, cycling, martial arts, sailing, etc. 31. both young and old, men can be anywhere on the 7-day twenty-four hours without a shirt (or topless or shirtless), God or nature has given man's natural rights and traditional social customs 32. Hong Kong people emphasize on the importance of learning the English, because English is the first international language, then emphasize on the learning of Putonghua, Putonghua is the first official standard language of the China, but the people of Hong Kong is a staunch defender of the Guanzhouhua as the traditional Cantonese standards, then, insist on the status of Hong Kong Dialect as the first mother tongue 33. Hong Kong people love the clean, not urinating, excreting or spitting in the street, there were a number of public toilets for people to use 7-7-2012, 21-2-2013, 16-3-2013, (22-10-2014) | |||||
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29. 無論男女,皆喜愛穿三角內褲,年輕女性喜歡穿比堅尼泳裝,男人多數會穿三角內褲及三角泳褲,四十歲或六十歲以上的男人有不少選擇穿四角內褲(俗稱孖煙通) 我嘅核心價值係呢隻 | |||||
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對您來講係笑話,您的內心就唔係如如不動啦。 | |||||
其實佛教係支持女人無上裝嘅: | |||||
因此,古代女人出現無上裝十分正常。 | |||||
男人戴Bra 都係咁正常啦,香港嘅核心價值落後矣 | |||||
33. Hong Kong people love the clean, not toilet or spitting in the street, there were a number of public toilets for people to use 阿邦幾時拆咗尐公厠咖?而家咁少公厠,香港有咩計劃解決衛生問題呢? |