For the first time in decades, Richmond Hill council began its public session Monday without the usual opening prayer. The inspirational words beginning with “We thank you, O Caring God” were skipped this week pending a review of last week’s ruling from Canada’s Supreme Court. In a unanimous decision, Canada’s top court ruled April 15 that a small town in Quebec may not open council meetings with prayer because it infringes on freedom of conscience and religion, and the state must remain neutral. The decision sent ripples of reaction across the country. Some municipalities, such as Calgary, switched to a moment of contemplation before council; others, like Windsor, opted for a rendition of O Canada. Locally, Vaughan, Aurora, Newmarket, East Gillimbury and King have not been commencing meetings with common prayer. Georgina councillors begin with a minute of quiet meditation or reflection. Markham did not respond by press time. In Richmond Hill, for many years, a member of council has recited a brief non-denominational prayer. Mayor Dave Barrow announced at the start of Monday’s formal council meeting at town hall that the practice will be suspended pending a review to ensure conformity with the Supreme Court ruling. While it may not be a popular decision to forgo the opening prayer, it is a necessary one, Barrow said, “so we don’t set ourselves up at Supreme Court”. As he called the meeting to order, however, two councillors presented alternatives. Ward 1 Councillor Greg Beros read the national anthem in lieu of a prayer – including the fourth verse beginning with “Ruler Supreme who hears our humble prayer…”. Regional Councillor Brenda Hogg then read words of inspiration she had composed as an alternative to the usual prayer: “Tonight council comes together as representatives of our town to conduct the town’s business. We are glad to be joined by our many engaged citizens, both at home and with us here in council chambers tonight. May we use this time to hear from our residents; respond to the reports by the professional staff who inform us; and make fair and responsible decisions in the best interests of our community.” Richmond Hill’s legal services division will review the longstanding town council prayer (see sidebar) in the context of the court ruling, along with other relevant policies and the practices of other Ontario municipalities, and a staff report will be presented to council for a decision on how best to proceed. http://www.yorkregion.com/news-s ... prayer-at-meetings/ | |||||
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亞嫂失勢,可以繼續不斷得失 | |||||
亞哥有需要時便會很順亞嫂意架哩。 | |||||
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你近年慣食自己, 唔使順人意。 | |||||
Supreme Court係咁判,冇面畀 | |||||
又即係咁 好似幾個人去食野,食完一個人埋哂單先,隨後各自科款 或 猶如鬼佬食野,各自分單找數 酒樓都係收咁多唶。 會前祈禱,有人領禱和各自心中祈禱, 上邊都係收咁多唶。 | |||||
乜您要尐細嘅科款?您真係得個春袋大 | |||||
我知, 你係人食淨打包過個,由你照哂 | |||||
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好,一桶裝哂 連打包盒都慳番,環保呀 | |||||
如果有神,神為什麼不救吃餿水的人呢? 如果有神,神為什麼不救一個吃餿水的人呢? | |||||
你睇完後,將 「救」的責任推落神身上。你便可置身事外耶? 証明你鐵石心腸。 悲! | |||||
因為要留番張相畀BB仔陳貼嘛 若然救咗佢,BB仔陳就冇相貼 | |||||
不好意思,他不在本地,不然我一定多少幫助他一點,我的能力範圍內,因為我是有限的! 但是神呢?神如此這般還能「撐」做有大能的神嗎? | |||||
砌詞狡辯 你本地没有需要幫助的人嗎? | |||||
車,您又知佢冇幫? | |||||
回覆 17# beebeechan 你有看到我沒有幫助本地的人嗎? 如果我沒幫助,那你的神去哪裡了呢? | |||||
有一個人心肌梗塞跑去急診,一位醫師說:「我信奉撒旦,代表死亡,所以我不能幫你急救。」 另一位醫生說:「我信耶穌,代表生命,所以我幫你急救。」 但急救失敗,宣告不治死亡,要開例死亡證明! 醫生說:「我信耶穌,代表生命,所以我不能開死亡證明給你!」 另一位醫師說:「我信撒旦,代表死亡,我能開死亡證明給你。」 那位信撒旦的醫師問到信耶穌的醫師:「我知道你的能力有限,但你們大能的神為什麼不救他呢?」 那為信耶穌的醫師說到:「因為你們兩個不信神!」 |