2015/12/16 01:05 
Vatican Is Wrong, Jews Need Jesus for Salvation, Says Messianic Group

A leading Messianic group in America has responded to the Vatican's recent claim that Jews do not need to be believers in Jesus Christ to be saved, by saying that the Apostle Paul would have been "horrified" at the suggestion.

David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus, said in a statement late last week that the suggestions of the Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with Jews are "… egregious, especially coming from an institution which seeks to represent a significant number of Christians in the world."
He further pointed out that the document's title, "The Gifts and Calling of God are irrevocable," is taken from Paul's words in Romans 11:29, but said that the New Testament figure would greatly disagree with how they have been applied here.

Brickner said:

"We believe that the Apostle Paul, whose name is invoked frequently in the Vatican document, would be horrified at this repudiation of the words with which he started his letter in Romans: 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.'"

The Commission released its document last Thursday, which stated that although all people need Christ to be saved, there is a "divine mystery" surrounding how Jewish believers fit in the plan.

"That the Jews are participants in God's salvation is theologically unquestionable, but how that can be possible without confessing Christ explicitly, is and remains an unfathomable divine mystery," the document argues.

"Since God has never revoked his covenant with his people Israel, there cannot be different paths or approaches to God's salvation," it added, however.

"The theory that there may be two different paths to salvation, the Jewish path without Christ and the path with the Christ, whom Christians believe is Jesus of Nazareth, would in fact endanger the foundations of Christian faith."

The theologians behind the document, including Cardinal Kurt Koch and Fr. Norbert Hofmann of the Vatican Commission, also spoke out against Christian missionary efforts to convert Jews, but at the same time said that Christians are called to share their faith with others.

In his response, Brickner suggested that the document is an attempt to "pander" to Jewish community leaders.

"How can the Vatican ignore the fact that the Great Commission of Jesus Christ mandates that his followers are to bring the gospel to all people? Are they merely pandering to some leaders in the Jewish community who applaud being off the radar for evangelization by Catholics?" he asked.

"If so, they need to be reminded that they first received that gospel message from the lips of Jews who were for Jesus."

Jews for Jesus, which has branches in 13 countries and 25 cities, describes itself on its website as "the largest Jewish mission agency in the world and has, at its core, the goal of proclaiming the message that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the world."

The National Catholic Register clarified in an article that the Committee's document does not carry magisterial authority, but offers an insight into the Roman Catholic Church's current thinking.

The document was released as part of commemorations for the fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II's decree Nostra Aetate, which dealt with Catholicism's relation with Judaism and other religions.

http://www.christianpost.com/new ... n-messianic-152467/
2015/12/16 11:18 


2015/12/16 12:10 
有點常識就可知阿穌廢柴白痴, 投錯胎入猶太婆個肚, 收親門徒都係猶太佬, 專去同猶太佬講耶穌, 講一爛餐講到口水乾, 講完發覺以上所講其實根本就唔關猶太佬事
咁樣做墨西亞, 墨碌竹咩, 個西字上面加個門字就得

打個比喻, 楊受成揾謝檸檬講份new contract, 謝檸檬停工聽佢講咗個幾月, 卒之講完晒所有細節,這時楊生先話:其實以上所講呢份contract唔係您嘅, 係古巨基嘅

挑, 咁您同我講泥做咩?

挑, 我得閒得滯屎忽痕唔得咩?
2015/12/21 12:55 
本帖最後由 sandyli 於 2015/12/29 00:42 編輯

無理由個個既合約都千篇一律,同 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2015/12/16 11:18

可以這麼說, 每個人約定都不會一樣。推薦連結:






訂花 英文
2015/12/21 21:10 
有點常識就可知阿穌廢柴白痴, 投錯胎入猶太婆個肚, 收親門徒都係猶太佬, 專去同猶太佬講耶穌, 講一爛餐講到 ...
沙文 2015/12/16 12:10 提交

2015/12/21 21:27 
回覆 5# beebeechan
2015/12/21 21:53 
可以這麼說, 每個人約定都不會一樣。
sandyli 發表於 2015/12/20 20:55

通常份contract都係由上帝負責draft. 有佢講冇人講
不如您創先河, draft自己嘅contract, 叫佢畫龜
2015/12/22 21:53 
回覆  beebeechan
在這方面努力嘗試啦 ...
沙文 發表於 2015/12/21 21:27

係呀, 我既智力確係有好大提升空間, 如剛升空的火箭,
你的智力, 卻是

2015/12/22 22:01 
我既智力確係有好大提升空間, 如剛升空的火箭
beebeechan 發表於 2015/12/22 05:53

RIP and good night.