The estranged wife of a pastor claims her husband blended his professional and personal finances so thoroughly that his church should be counted as an asset in their divorce. 一名牧師的分居妻子宣稱,其夫將職業與個人財務全然交融,因此他的教會應納入他們離婚訴訟中的一項資產。 A judge agreed in a decision published this week to hear arguments on the claim, and he ordered a financial appraisal of the church. Lawyers said it could represent the first time anyone in New York state has tried to treat a religious institution as a marital asset. 法官在本週宣布的判決中同意就此主張開辯論庭,並下令對該教會進行財務評估。律師說,該案可能是紐約州有人試圖將宗教機構視為是婚姻資產的首例。 The wife argues that her husband of 31 years used his Brooklyn church as a "personal piggy bank," setting his own income, spending the congregation’s tithes as he pleased and running a catering business from the building, according to the decision by state Supreme Court Judge Arthur M.Diamond. 根據該州最高法院法官戴蒙的判決,牧師太太指出,她結褵31年的丈夫把他的布魯克林教會當作「個人撲滿」,不但設定個人收入、任意花用會眾的十一奉獻,並且從教堂經營餐飲生意。 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2007/new/nov/21/today-int9.htm |