God bless you
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點知俾完,佢同我講 "God bless you." 我真係想問佢攞番。 但係,衰在我係袋度淫左乍銀俾佢,一放落個賭兜度,個兜又原本有啲銀。於是,我唔知自己俾左幾多錢佢,攞唔番。 我又唔係介意今次攞唔番,亦都唔係決定以後唔俾錢乞兒;但係,有咩法子令啲乞兒知道,唔應該同我講 "God bless you."嘅呢? | |||||
或者唱定D美金,然後蓋個印在適當位置,睇下有無幫助? | |||||
呢個網教唆人犯法茄?塗污銀紙係非法行為黎,您咪hup我唔識律法呀 | |||||
犯左美國律法,定係加拿大律法呀?假如你確定你身在加拿大境內,塗污美國銀紙係犯法,因而會遭受懲罰、或者引渡至美國受審,咁樣我出個公仔向你嗑頭道歉又點話丫。 | |||||
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原帖由 沙文 於 2007-12-10 15:20 發表 咁我註明呢個方法只能用於美國境外,切勿在美國境內使用這個方法,咁OK喇掛? | |||||
If any person prints or stamps, or by any like means impresses, on any bank note any words, letters or figures, he shall, in respect of each offence, be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding [F1 level 1 on the standard scale]. http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/con ... vetextdocid=1080374 留意佢係話:any bank note, 包括美元 | |||||
李天命教落要睇埋定義架! In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,— The expression “the Bank” means the Bank of England: The expression “issue department” means the issue department of the Bank: The expression “bank note” means a note of the Bank http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?LegType=All+Primary&PageNumber=81&NavFrom=2&parentActiveTextDocId=1080361&ActiveTextDocId=1080361&filesize=25936 | |||||
http://www.tyhp.gov.tw/info/other-index2-1.jsp?newsid=1629 咁即係俾冇用嘅錢乞兒啫,都係違背良心喎 | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-12-11 01:05 發表 你不如引孟加拉律法丫笨。 | |||||
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Gos bless you, 係third-person singular simple present tense, 咁,bless 嘅third-person singular應該係 blesses. 而bless嘅third-person singular又的確係係 blesses http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bless 點解全部教徒都講"God bless you"而唔講"God blesses you."呢?係咪佢地全部錯晒呢? 希望有英文同該名乞兒一樣咁好嘅網友教下小弟 | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-12-11 11:00 發表 省略了前面的"May"。 http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=322533 | |||||
本來係「願主保佑您」咁解,而家冇左個「願」字,講成「主保佑您」,實牙實齒咁,其實事實並唔係咁樣,只係「省略」,唔係取消! | |||||
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bless_you 要流行性感冒先会听到 | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-12-11 23:47 發表 所以介紹你呢個好方法囉,你又嫌三嫌四,又怕犯法又乞兒旅行又乜又物,麻鬼煩。 | |||||
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原帖由 沙文 於 2007-12-12 11:26 發表 你呢個方法都未能杜絕 In English-speaking countries, a common response to a sneeze by those around it is "God bless you", or more commonly just "Bless you". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneeze | |||||
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