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愚蠢的人類,在歷史上大小紛爭中依然未能吸收教訓,一次又一次地重蹈覆轍。 | |||||
日本天皇是太陽之子(傳說) 當然,神道是一東方多神教,照抽刀說,應挺「包容的」 ————— 當然,戰爭結束,也往往以人民的熱愛和平、懕倦戰斗而止。 ———— 問題是哪種教訓? 是要放棄「正義」、「和平」? 是要放棄討論「正義」、「和平」? 是要放棄宣揚「正義」、「和平」? 是要放棄保護「正義」、「和平」? 我總覺得好心做壞事的人比無心肝的人好。 始終,好心做好事需要學問、技術、力量、分析力……等等可遇不可求的因素。 [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-12-17 12:25 編輯 ] | |||||
參考:http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-AN/102748.htm 中國的皇帝也是天子,又好像不是有太多人相信他是神的兒子喎? | |||||
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/re ... ory/emperor_1.shtml "It's been suggested that the divinity of the Emperor was one of the central tenets of the Meiji restoration but this isn't true; none of the official Meiji documents actually declare that the Emperor was kami or god." http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/shinto/beliefs/kami_1.shtml "The idea that kami are the same as God stems in part from the use of the word kami to translate the word 'God' in some 19th century translations of the Bible into Japanese. This caused a great deal of confusion even among Japanese: the Shinto theologian Ueda Kenji estimated in 1990 that nearly 65% of entering students now associate the Japanese term kami with some version of the Western concept of a supreme being. The next section shows that kami are actually very different from the Western concept of God." ———————— 人家神道的最多只是KAMI。KAMI,不是神,無權無勢,至多精神力量大一點(爆SEED?) 天皇也只是眾多神之中的一個的N代孫。當然,抽刀你應也知 A)印度教也以SHIVA(破壞神、濕婆)為主 B) 佛教也以如來為主 C) 道教也以三清為主 但卻無損其多神的特色 [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-12-17 13:00 編輯 ] | |||||