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自耶和華九十九式(http://truthbible.net/biblehorror/yahwehspecialmoves/)推出後,各方反應熱烈,為使耶和華的招式能於香港發揚光大,「令人戰慄的聖經」網主決定要為耶和華的招式製作短片! 現請大家選出「我最喜愛耶和華招式」,用作短片中耶和華使出的招式! 截止日期:3月11日晚上12時 參與投票:http://truthbible.net/bloodybible/activities/election/ 候選招式: 候選招式一:抹屎落你塊面上,再同屎一齊掉o左你 (瑪拉基書 2:3) 我必斥責你們的種子、又把你們犧牲的糞、抹在你們的臉上.你們要與糞一同除掉。 候選招式二:揭你裙仔比人睇 (那鴻書 3:5) 萬軍之耶和華說、我與你為敵.我必揭起你的衣襟(skirts)、蒙在你臉上、使列國看見你的赤體、使列邦觀看你的醜陋。 候選招式三:一伸手,全城的人大大驚慌.無論大小都生痔瘡 (撒母耳記上 5:9) 運到之後、耶和華的手攻擊那城、使那城的人大大驚慌.無論大小都生痔瘡 候選招式四:剖開孕婦 (何西阿書 13:16) 撒瑪利亞必擔當自己的罪、因為悖逆他的 神、他必倒在刀下、嬰孩必被摔死、孕婦必被剖開。 候選招式五:令你個城比人笑 (耶利米書 19:8) 我必使這城、令人驚駭嗤笑.凡經過的人、必因這城所遭的災、驚駭嗤笑。 候選招式六:整爛你棵樹 (何西阿書 2:12) 我也必毀壞他的葡萄樹和無花果樹、就是他說、這是我所愛的給我為賞賜的、我必使這些樹變為荒林、為田野的走獸所喫。 候選招式七:嚇你隻馬 (撒迦利亞 12:4) 耶和華說、到那日、我必使一切馬匹驚惶、使騎馬的顛狂.我必看顧猶大家、使列國的一切馬匹瞎眼。 | |||||
食人肉 飲人血 (太廿六26-28。) 你們拿著喫,這是我的身體;你們都喝這個,因為這是我立約的血。 | |||||
原帖由 Step.King 於 2007-2-26 22:47 發表 多謝!加左了: http://truthbible.net/biblehorror/bibleabsurdity/ | |||||
哈~ | |||||
為何只抽你"所謂壞的"部份? 當你不清楚真正的解釋時,為何你就要將它們加上另一解釋? 或許你會說,"那你給我真正的解釋吧" 沒有人能知道聖經真正的意思,沒人能清楚神的意思 因為祂是神,正如愛因斯坦的話"不會相信人格化的上帝" 也許我們都將神人格化了, 那麼自然出現你所說的情況,那就是只看到表面的意思 所謂壞的意思。 其實,當你想深一層,你會不會告"金瓶梅"內容不雅? 告"白雪公主"裡的皇子有親吻屍體的變態行為? 你為何會這樣地把聖經斷張取義呢? 是否你內心中也有一些罪? 你可不可以否認你評論聖經完全沒出於歪念嗎?例如:"出位","搞熱鬧"等等。 我只是個13歲的學生,我只相信聖經是神的話語,也不能以人的角度來理解,當你全心向神求教的時候,神就會開你的內心,令你明白到聖經的真正意思。 希望你清楚地明白自己在做甚麼,不要被撒旦利用了。 | |||||
你出於懷疑別人發言動機去指責人,其實就係搞陰謀論 搞陰謀論就是不出於真憑實據去辯論,怎可以說服到人? 還有,是斷章取義,不是斷”張”取義 | |||||
I used to be a fervent, highly devoted Christian (Protestant) of the "Church of Hong Kong" (- main church on Kimberley Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui), where they claimed to be "The True Church on Earth" and looked down upon other Protestant Churches. Later I left them and became an Anti-Christian for plenty of reasons .... one being "abhoring their egoism & overbearing attitude" (especially towards new-comers amongst them). Indeed I felt rather uncomfortable staying with them. How could an "Ideal Church" such as theirs be tolerated for their domineering manners ? I lost faith in them. My disbelief in Christianity developed. I became an "outsider" observing and analysing their irregularities. Plz visit their website to find long-time + recent disputes/heated arguments/reprovals in their Church. Their Bro. Fung Chi-lei (FENG Zhili ) has been a big target amidst such rebukes / fracas. | |||||
If the belief of Church of Hong Kong is unreasonable and was tolerated by other churches, the reason is thought to be "the balance of terror". If a church challange Church of Hong Kong, that church may be attacked by Church of Hong Kong for the reason that there are lots of problems in each church. This is solely a problem of interest. | |||||
香港教會 麻煩事 涉及 : 啟漢 , 封志理 , 黃孕奇, 王頌恩... | |||||
I have been pointing my finger at them mainly because they claim to be the "True & Only Church on Earth". (Imagine this : Would U call a street-side beggar 'dirty / filthy'? No ! Would U call a dishevelled, shabby Beat Patrol Constable 'dirty'? YES !) That's why. The Church of Hong Kong claims to be the True & Only Church on Earth, being an absolute lie ! I wouldn't have pointed my finger at them -- had they claimed to be merely "a simple church , just another church .... ordinary church". | |||||
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本人懇請 版主大人 召來 "香港教會" 中人 (有膽接招/抗辯/理論 者 ) 到 本 平 台 交 手 . 讓大家 弄清楚 "香港教會(天文台道)呃神騙人" 孰真孰假 . 切勿讓 該教會 的"二打六" / "識D唔識D" o既慘綠少年唔夠秤花靚妹 參與. 夠班夠份量者 始得進場 . "香港教會" 中人切忌 盲中中到場 胡言 亂語. (... 本人姓名: 李常受 ) | |||||
斷"張"取義即係將聖經撕開成為一張一張, 咁咪叫毀壞聖經? | |||||
Her "signficant / dedicated people" did waste my time / money and ruined my expectations ! I don't want people around to get trapped / ripped off / deceived ... like I was. Do U know " | |||||
Why don't U ask your 麥大益師母 , 封至理師母, 杜師母, 孕奇師母 to feed you with their Breast Milk ? They will get U rejuvenated ! On your feet ! Chicks & crying babies ! ....... (My name: 李常受 ) | |||||
在尖沙咀區分別每派各有一間. 1)香港教會--教會聚會所(又稱基督徒管家)--九龍尖沙嘴天文臺道5號 2)基督徒聚會所--尖沙咀金巴利街7-11號安寧大廈4樓 3)香港教會(又稱召會)--尖沙咀金巴利道25號長利商業大廈16字樓 | |||||
i/ Prevalent pre-calculation ...各懷鬼胎 ii/ Ceaseless rows & fracas... 互相傾軋 iii/ Hatred & severance ... 反目分裂 iv/ Heresy & diabolicism ... 異端邪說 Heaven shed tear on seeing such.... 老天爺 觀此 流淚!! ( ... 唐崇德 留字 ) | |||||
崇基..余潔麟..陸垣垣..靜芳..杜煥章.. 全屬深謀遠慮 勾心鬥角 表裡不一 香港教會 (尖沙咀天文台道/金巴利) 自作孽 不可活 余潔麟 最 清楚 底蘊 .... 速查 唐/王/黃/封 各弟兄 與其家人 的財政 ( 陳 偉 能 字 ) | |||||
U R but a den of perpetrators & fornication advocates ! Amongst your multitude are obvious adultery, greed, segregation, lust, yearn for carnal pleasure, seduction, suggestiv behaviour, going astray, hypocrism, undesirable thoughts/intention, pre-calculated measures, embezzlement, ruthless financial investment (with church funding), lies and, most importantly/seriously , anti-Christianity (whilst reading Bible) !! U all ridicule yourselves, miserable desperados ! ( Your complainant : Lee Sheung-sau ) | |||||
"Selamat Pagi / Bonjour / Guten Morgen, Bruden und Schwestern. Sehen Sie ihn bitte an, und reparieren Sie ihn, wenn es moglich ist. Es zeigte viele einzel ausstellungen, und so weiter. Pfalz Lauterecken schuhmacher Strasse ! Ein zwei drei vier funf sechs sieben acht neun zehn hundert tausend drei under funfzig. Bitte schon. Vielen Dank. " Shame on you , Church of HK(TST) |
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