Posted on December 29th, 2007 23:46 「生養眾多」是神的心意及祝福。今天晚上,101醫治佈道會特別為不育的弟兄姊妹禱告,在台前站了10多位朋友。有的是夫妻同來,有的是別的教會會友,有的更是特別為此而來。在禱告醫治前,先由長俊弟兄和美華姊妹禱告,他倆過去曾受此困擾,三年來不斷尋找醫生指引就是無法懷孕,當他們感到無助無奈的時候,經教會醫治禱告後,兩位俊朗的公子就先後出生了。 當人看來無法前行似是盡頭的時候,往住是神祝福的開端。禱告醫治後,牧師更邀請紀弟兄夫婦(Alex & Sherry)到台上給眾人祝福。他一家信主後得著很大的祝福,神後來更為紀家多添二名寶貝的男孩,如今,他們一家六口樂也融融。在一片歡樂聲中,牧師邀約各人明年抱著小孩上台見証神的榮耀。 ▓【山峰2007年12月29日(週六)】 http://www.church611.org/Jesus101/news2007-12-29.html | |||||
祈禱仲靈過送子觀音 ?? really ?? http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1261&extra=&page=1 >> 抗議無線電視翡翠台在黃金時間播放《福言雋語》! >> 在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間, >> 竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神, >> 更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說: >>「我信天父個仔!」 >> 令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。 when .... @year2007 , the-god-of-death approached nearer + nearer n finally took away the life of 1 of sons of 廖啟智夫婦 with cancer + deep pains e.t.c. .......... , where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ?? where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ?? where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ?? where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ?? b4 that time , 廖啟智夫婦 + all their Christian friends e.t.c. must have done anything to pray or please their AllMighty Saviour , but , still ......... but , but , but , but , up2now , 廖啟智夫婦 do still b so .... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-3 13:13 編輯 ] | |||||
this is 神的旨意 (no matter of the actual outcome....) | |||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-3 14:52 發表 廖啟智夫婦 , who'r so intellectual , o k , at least superficially , even after having learnt such a serious lesson the hard way , do still b so ......... | |||||
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hi ThANKye , >> 這個宗教很多時都靠著一些人最脆弱的時候來滲透, >> 輔以溫暖及人與人之間的扶持, >> 形成這種有雜質的愛 形成這種有雜質的愛 形成這種有雜質的愛 by 'the way , its rumoured that 保良局 's been Christiannised to the less-or-more degree with Christian donations , purely rumoured , right ? any evidence or un-evidence ? cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-31 10:41 發表 they praying to The God for similar purpose ----------> that's Truth , that's what you should do .... other people praying to 觀音 for similar purpose ----------> superstition迷信 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- they worshipping The God ----------> that's Truth , that's what you should do .... other people worshipping their own god or even just their ceased parent e.t.c. ----------> 拝偶像 Idolatry --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- in their brain + brainwashin' [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-5 16:06 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-4 12:42 發表 不是吧? |