2007/12/31 15:24 
2007.12.28 03:59 am





【2007/12/28 聯合報】


2007/12/31 16:17 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-30 23:24 發表

2008/1/1 08:31 
>> 佢死佢事啫,叫教會唔害人,咁仲要教會來做乜嘢喎?

o yes
> 李俊賢的家人指出,
> 李俊賢90年間信教後,
> 反對他人信仰其他宗教,
> 禁止家人祭拜祖先,
my Christian friends does 'the same ,
causing many quarrelling ,
2008/1/1 08:36 
> oyes
> o yes
>> 李俊賢的家人指出,
>> 李俊賢90年間信教後,
>> 反對他人信仰其他宗教,
>> 禁止家人祭拜祖先,
> my Christian friends does 'the same ,
> causing many q ...

their families got used to it ,
knowing that quarrelling 'd b of n'o[no] use ,
there4 , 為順從,也不敢拜拜 .........
there4 ,
My Dear churches can claim that
belief in Christiannity cause no trouble or quarrel inside of 'the family .........
2008/1/1 08:42 
>> 李俊賢的家人指出,
>> 李俊賢90年間信教後,
>> 反對他人信仰其他宗教,
>> 禁止家人祭拜祖先,
the Christian interventing in her//his own personnal freedom ,
is good enough ,

but ,
but y ??
but why did s/he also insist to intervent in other people's freedom ??
every1 has her/his own religious freedom ,
they do always demanding others to pay very respect to their own religion ,
but y ,
but why dont they pay respect  to other people's religious freedom ??
fair ??

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-1 09:54 編輯 ]
2008/1/1 12:25 
>> 李俊賢的家人指出,
>> 李俊賢90年間信教後,
>> 反對他人信仰其他宗教,
>> 禁止家人祭拜祖先,

+ ,
a clergyman , Uncle Sam [ Sam叔] of 耶稣在庙街 this church ,
@ a night , around 22;00 - 23;00 , of saturnsday[[saturday]] , year 2007
fm997新城娱乐台's ````` 火热*** """" ,
[[[[[[[[[ sorry , the name of 'the programme 's too unfriendly 4 human memory ]]]]]]]]] ,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the name may b 火热新一 代 , may b ]]]]]]]]] ,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the name may b 火热新一 代 , may b ]]]]]]]]] ,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the name may b 火热新一 代 , may b ]]]]]]]]] ,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the responsible dj : ::::: 何基佑 ]]]]]]]]] ,
Uncle Sam [ Sam叔] did publiccly declare very un-ambigously that
: :::::
````````` practising 氣功 will invite back the 魔鬼"""""
or something like that ,
[[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course naturally ]]]]]]]]]
then ,
he said many things unfavouring 氣功

any incorrectness or query please hesitate2let me know

what ??
was i out of my mind at that time ??
even 氣功 also being classified as the deviling i.e. inviting back the 魔鬼 ??

note : :::::
````` 火热*** """"
was a Christiannity-programme
````` 火热*** """" this radio's program
's been deleted ,
the latest program-rescheduling of fm997 , effective 2008-01-01 ,
there4 , i couldnt copy-n-paste 'the full name from their site

declaration : ::::::::::
although .... i do always tune in to 新城财经台 ,
but .... that's 100.000% out of investments practiccal reasons ,
personnally ,
i'm not any fan of them , because : :::::
indeed ,
i do not like 李嘉诚 ,
who is the chairsman of 长江实业 + of 和记黄埔 , which hold 新城广播有限公司 ,
who demolish many many too many a antique relic to build new building , e.g. 衙前圍village,
who used to be my personnal idol , but , no more ,
thus ,
my personnal tuning into 新城财经台 ,
does not constitute
any recommendation nor endorsement o' [of]
any programme nor
any product by 新城 nor any part there-o'[[there-of]]

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-2 10:35 編輯 ]
2008/1/1 12:29 
>> ````````` practising 氣功 will invite back the devil/////////ghost 魔鬼"""""

taichi/////////taiji , 太極 's also a kind o' 氣功 ,
so ,
太極 would also b inviting back the 魔鬼 ,

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-1 14:40 編輯 ]
2008/1/1 14:00 
答:(1) 剛好相反,教會備受各方議論,批評它的歧視,包括性取向應徵者信仰性別伴侶信仰其他宗派學生信仰;歧視乃源於仇恨、不是愛。
  (2) 基督教對很多思想或意識都具排他性,包括心理學人文主義科學搖滾樂佛教伊斯蘭教;排他是包容的相對,有損社會和諧。

-- 超短基版FAQ
2008/1/1 16:45 
>>  (2) 基督教對很多思想或意識都具排他性,
>> 包括
>> 佛教 [[http://tw.promo.yahoo.com/freehome/]]

Yahoo!奇摩個人網頁已於96年 5月31日(四)關閉。
schade [[ german : it's-a-pity ]]

cheers ThANKye , pendragon
2008/1/1 20:20 

基督徒/教會/基督教充滿愛, but this "愛" is simply 等差愛.........

基督徒/教會/基督教充滿"包容", but this"包容" would only 包容people who hold the same believe as them.........

回復 1# 的帖子
It seems that the chruch would say this is just the matter of personal problem of the dead....

By the way, isn't it that being a dead person would be the fast-track of "通上帝"? After all, Christianity would focus on after-life reward (or punishment)...