2008/1/13 02:53 
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-11 20:03 發表
According to the Christian belief, there will be a heaven for those believers. Therefore, ask the donators to donate all income and 餓X死咗the donators 先算"捨己為人". Since 餓唔X死咗個牧師 means that ...
2008/1/13 04:08 
In principle, any assets could be converted into a series of income. What you need is a discount factor that could convert a series of income into a "present value" (and vice versa). Therefore, people could sell all their assets, and donate the income also.
2008/1/13 05:01 
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-13 04:08 發表
In principle, any assets could be converted into a series of income. What you need is a discount factor that could convert a series of income into a "present value" (and vice versa). Therefore, people ...

i enjoy it
2008/1/13 05:47 
>>>>“whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine”
>>>>(Job 41:11).
so ,
your lives ,
your bodies , e.t.c. ,
yours all should also be donated to
our AllMighty God's loyal servants , i.e. pastors e.t.c. ,

so ,
in Gods names ,
4 Godsakes ,
if .... the Christians would be really so much dedicated2God ,
then .....
all male Christians should send themselves voluntarily instantly to
iraq +
to preach Christiannity ,
just as what those korean Christians did
@ afghanistan
@ year2007
if .... those korean male Christians dare do ,
then .....
those chinese male Christians should be more to
.... mmmm , those korean male Christians really being so able to ,
but .....
the chinese male Christians not so true !!?
the chinese male Christians not as able as korean male Christian  ??

by 'the way ,
even in afghanistan or iraq ,
our AllMighty God
must be able to protect them to come back home with the ,,whole-body''
just as those male korean Christians returning from afghanistan to korea

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-13 06:03 編輯 ]
2008/1/13 05:53 
Won't work.

I can borrow from Him.
2011/5/7 23:34 
教會就是這樣 先給予好的印象 之後在慢慢洗腦
2011/6/12 11:53 
人在異鄉倍思親 做彌撒、聽講經和鄉親聚會交流……聖誕節初體驗好溫馨

【本報多倫多訊】昨天聖誕節,教堂 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2008/1/7 17:25
