2008/1/8 17:02 
google 又一殺手級的應用,就是可以搜尋網路攝影機的鏡頭,讓你看到世界各地即時攝影的畫面,只要在Google 搜尋「inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode="」,就可以找到數以百計的攝影鏡頭,不止可以讓你瀏覽世界各地的風景,搞不好會找到你意想不到的內容。

2008/1/8 17:04 
不過論到有趣,google總未及全城大熱的Freeze真人Show :

2008/1/9 10:55 
ThANKye ,

should ye have enough spare time ,
then ....
please post more about google or yahoo or msn or aol or Snap or Ask

ThANKye again

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-9 18:20 編輯 ]
2008/1/9 12:42 
Wooo!!!  Bravo!!!

Google search engine is very good and IMHO it is difficult to be replaced.  I wonder how to earn money if it just has the gmail.

For mail system, I think the most important is to filter the spams well.
2008/1/9 13:09 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-9 12:42 發表
Wooo!!!  Bravo!!!

Google search engine is very good and IMHO it is difficult to be replaced.  I wonder how to earn money if it just has the gmail.

For mail system, I think the most important is to f ...

i'd like2act as the ``devil" sent by God to introduce u 2

wikia , as well as , wikiwix , found by the founder of wikipedia ,

also ,
the assista , the SE with ``questions"

note : ::::: they may b addictive
2008/1/9 13:52 
2008/1/9 18:24 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-9 13:52 發表

yes , me same

by 'the way ,
should i want2set up something like myspace ,
then ....
d'u have any acquaintance with any free resource ??
2008/1/9 18:26 
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-9 18:24 發表

yes , me same

by 'the way ,
should i want2set up something like myspace ,
then ....
d'u have any acquaintance with any free resource ??

o k
o k ,
cheap one's also o k ,
but ,
must b real cheap ,
u know ,
i'm so ``cheap"
2008/1/9 22:53 
myspace 是類似 blog 的系統嗎?如果是,可以找找sourceforge:
http://sourceforge.net/search/?t ... soft&words=blog

所有軟件都是免費的。然後找個支援適合那個blog software 的 web hosting 便可了。(現時最普遍都是php + mysql)。
2008/1/10 00:41 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-9 22:53 發表
myspace 是類似 blog 的系統嗎?如果是,可以找找sourceforge:

所有軟件都是免費的。然後找個支援適合那個blog software 的 web h ...

vow wow  !!!!!!!!!

u'r much more pro then[[than]] my imagination
2008/1/10 00:42 
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-10 00:41 發表

vow wow  !!!!!!!!!

u'r much more pro then[[than]] my imagination

of course more pro than me

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-10 00:43 編輯 ]
2008/1/10 03:53 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-9 12:42 發表
Wooo!!!  Bravo!!!

Google search engine is very good and IMHO it is difficult to be replaced.  
I wonder how to earn money if it just has the gmail.

For mail system, I think the most important is to f ...

>>>> I wonder how to earn money if it just has the gmail.

to the best of my own knowledge in-accurate knowledge ,
gmail do earn some $ , although not too much ,
so do ymail or hotmail e.t.c. ,
even some smaller ones such as Mail[Mail.com] do also provide some dividends to siu-yat////siao-yi
otherwise ,
how could they survive 'the great depression of internet up2now ?? almost over 10years !!

an other example , netIdentity , have been snapped up by tucows , a domain registrar ,
with usd tens of millions in year 2006[?]////2007[?]

by 'the way ,
in my own eye ,
all of them seem not to exploit the most out of themselves , expecially especially hotmail ,
but ,

each of them do still have some distance to go

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-10 14:16 編輯 ]
2008/1/10 19:53 


2008/1/11 02:14 
>>>> 以前我也是做IT的。
oyes , i believe ,
proven out from your commenting ````` .... sourceforge ..... """"

>>>> 難得進取的你有鴻圖大計,我預祝你成功先~

ThANKye ,
i dream being able2work with u sooner or later
but ,
now ,
i must first spot out some waters-fish or deep-pockets 4finance
u know ,
the current stocks markets 'r `````trimming"""" themselves

my it-undertaking 's based[[[[[=copynpaste]]]]
on the ideas
of netIdentity e.t.c. ,
but ,
of course , with some new concepts ....
o k , enough , yours-humbly doesnt want2b too ostentious//showy

>>>> 如何吸引人流是最主要的,
>>>> 這些都包括在網上及現實的市場推廣。
by 'the way ,
http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... 1346&highlight=
>> 為了鼓勵研讀可蘭經,
>> 回教世界也舉辦類似世界盃的可蘭經背誦比賽,
>> 不僅是當地盛事,
>> 贏家還可以出有聲書,並且絕對是年度最賣的CD。
they'r real super marketting talents ,
they'r real super marketting talents super than what i think of them ,
they'r real super marketting talents super than me ....
may b i just born out of the bursted rocks ,
but ,
i do real not know
which any1 of those social-networks have any such
super maketting events ,
o k ,
kudoes[[kudos]] to My Dear Sir 沙文
to let me open my eyes so wide ,
i do never expect to b so lucky
to meet so many super maketting techniques here
b4 i arrived here
2008/1/11 03:01 
>>>> 如何吸引人流是最主要的,
>>>> 這些都包括在網上及現實的市場推廣。

so ,
i suggest to insert
the bookmarking widget ot the rss-subscriptions-widget
of addthis e.t.c.
of feedburner e.t.c.
into each-n-every page of exChristian.hk automaticcally
2008/1/11 09:54 
2008/1/11 21:22 
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-11 09:54 發表

so do me , sorry ,

even 4 my own blog , i can only add those viral widgets to each page of it , fully foolly
by hand , + , 1 by 1 ,
sorry again , please accept my sincere apology
2008/1/12 09:48 
別這麼客氣。  有空一起研究吧。
2008/1/12 18:32 
on an other hand ,

ynot monetise your forum ??
ynot monetise your forum via google's adsense e.t.c. ??

then ,
when-ever .... the Christian ads be shown ,
then ..... i click it Amazing-Grace-fully ,
in order to earn some easy $4u
2008/1/14 21:35 
if .... My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 e.t.c. have too many spare time ,
then ....
i'd like2suggest some other [[relativly]] easy site-sharing-tools 4 exChristian.hk: :::::
1.E-mail to Friend...   
2. Show this topic in your website! [[syndication]]
3. Add to favorites
>> Subscribe
>> RSS feed for this page   
>> Notify me when an answer is added...
>> Notify me when a comment is added...
a example of 'the implementation : :::::
,,,,,,,,, Easily mispronounced domain names: What are your favorites? '''''''''
please use the search function of your browser to look up the text
,, Show this topic in your website! '' e.t.c.
]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]
should ye have n'o[[no]] time or find it too techniccally-demanding ,
then ,
please ,
just forget it , cheers ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-14 21:37 編輯 ]