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>>>> 次按夢魘 滙控創兩年新低 now's the right time2buy buy 滙控 ? [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 12:18 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 12:13 發表 by 'the way , currently , 滙控 = 失控 ?? | |||||
+ , currently , 滙控 = 滙失控 ?? or ......... currently , 滙控 = 会失控 ?? sorry again cant type in chinese | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 12:26 發表 in summary : ::::: is it now the time to buy buy 滙控 is it now the time to say bye bye to 滙控 ThANKye4anyTeaching | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 12:29 發表 disclaiming declaration : ::::: currently , i dont have any stock , needless2 mention any of 滙控 | |||||
then the grandfather will buy it. | |||||
sorry , My Dear Sir B , i'm too stupid , could ye elaborate it a little bit ?? may b better in chinese , sorry ThANKing , ThANKs4anyteaching sorry again cant type in chinese , p.s. : ::::: >>>> 滙控must be flowed under 100 why must ?? ThANKs why must [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-18 17:30 編輯 ] | |||||
滙控主要在本港掛牌買賣,决定一隻股票價格的因素很多,公司本身的價值,大市氣氛,當然還有資金流向。 九七前有人說香港有三大權力核心,匯豐,馬會,港督府。排名要分先後。九七後特別是最近三四年,隨着大陸經濟實力日厚,借用匯豐維持本地經濟安穩的需要亦在減少,而匯豐本身亦明白個中道理,雖未如怡和高調地遷冊,但淡出一點本地業務轉而向外發展,卻是顯而易見的。亦因此在北美市場種下了禍根。 這年來我一直叫朋友沽出匯豐,轉投中資銀行股。道理是簡單的,今天香港的老細叫中國,而非從前的英國。你看中資股上市幾乎無一不被熱炒,但從前的老牌股票則被泠落一旁,就不難明白了。 不過匯豐畢竟是匯豐,它有著一個管理優質的全球網絡,這不是目前任何一間阿爺機構所具備的,所以這老太婆雖年老,但色還是未衰的。 老太婆跌穿一百蚊純屬我的睇法,會否成為事實,大家看看吧。 | |||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-18 20:55 發表 >> 未如怡和高調地遷冊,但淡出一點本地業務轉而向外發展,卻是顯而易見的。亦因此在北美市場種下了禍 根 o yes , really very ex-actly exActly ---------------------------------------------------------------- o yes , yesterday's 因 , today's 果 , ---------------------------------------------------------------- o yes , no 1 can explain it , just only explainable as that : ::::: God hate 匯豐 e.t.c. , ---------------------------------------------------------------- o yes , no 1 , just no 1 , no any 1 could expect such sucking results at that time , including even any tai-pan of 匯豐 e.t.c. even any management of 匯豐 e.t.c. no matter how smart they were ---------------------------------------------------------------- please let me explain : ::::: i'm working on a notebook , pentium iii , windows xp , i have always considerred to install a pen-writing system , but , it must suck up all 'the resources , sorry again 4 cant type in chinese communicate with u in chinese | |||||
http://input.foruto.com/hand/hand_article_006.htm | |||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-19 01:55 發表 i do even not have any mouse , i'm using 'the touch-pad , sorry | |||||
should we buy in at the level of 100, then? also, i'm more interested in 941, do u think it will drop to below 100? | |||||
原帖由 liberale 於 2008-1-19 02:39 發表 941基本因素非常好,看不到有跌穿100的可能性。 中資股有一點地方我是極不滿意的,是它們不大願意派息給股東的。 | |||||
>>>> 中資股有一點地方我是極不滿意的,是它們不大願意派息給股東的。 me 2[[=too]] , also 極不滿意 , i do always suspect their earnings would b ,,,,,make-up'''' , d'u think so ?? ThANKye | |||||
>>>> 滙控must be flowed under 100 may-be i just born yesterday , but , i have just run through all recent finance reviews , n'one[[=none]] ......... just n'one[[=none]] analyst is so brave as u My Dear Sir B who dare to plunk down the prediction definitivly that >>>> 滙控must be flowed under 100 + >>>> 老太婆跌穿一百蚊 vow , wow , vvow , o k 't's GREAT !! y[[=why]] 'r u so pessimistic悲观 about 滙控 ?? ?? cheers ThANK ye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-19 16:47 編輯 ] | |||||
Have heard an analyst advised to buy 941 at the level of $110...waiting waiting...do u think it will reach $110? wow...you think 5 will go down to below $100...also waiting waiting...but, provided the persistence of the 次按 demon and the attractions of 941 and 2628 etc, even at $90, do you think we should buy 5 at all? [ 本帖最後由 liberale 於 2008-1-20 15:07 編輯 ] | |||||
老太婆跌穿100我都不會買,尋底跟尋頂一樣,是難乎其難的事。 六行三保都處於下降軌,忍手為妙。 | |||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-20 17:37 發表 >>>> 六行三保都處於下降軌,忍手為妙。 o yes , me agree , >>>> 下降軌, ThANKye 4[[=for]] graphiccal analysis , which i have almost forgotten [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-20 18:45 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 liberale 於 2008-1-20 15:06 發表 hi , i think , all of the favourable conditions of 'the 941 , have all been taken in2 account , i.e. priced-in | |||||
我對自己先前對老太婆跌穿一百蚊的預測,越來越有信心。 http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=0005.HK 目前恒指受匯控權重拖累易跌難升,個人希望匯控盡快跌穿100,因為我認為到時恆指的調整應算是告一段落。 |
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