中華網2020-04-14 稿源:觀察者網 “相信我,上帝肯定能戰勝新冠病毒”,復活節前夕,曾說過這句話的美國牧師傑拉德(BishopGeraldO.Glenn)因感染新冠肺炎去世。 據NBC當地時間13日報導,傑拉德是維吉尼亞州福音派的一名牧師,3月底,維吉尼亞開始禁止10人以上的聚會,隨後,傑拉德在里士滿進行了一次公開教堂活動,有185人出席,他稱,“相信我,上帝肯定能戰勝新冠病毒,此時此刻,我作為傳教士,正在同上帝交談。”隨後,他宣佈“在場的人都被治癒”。 他還告訴信徒們,“如果政府告訴我們不應該去教堂,那麼,當你來到教堂不正是體現了自由嗎?” 傑拉德將這次活動的視頻發到社交媒體,引發了爭議,不少當地網友認為他不顧“公眾安全”,涉嫌違法,但他自豪地宣稱,“除非我進了醫院或監獄,不然教堂會一直開放。” 據華盛頓郵報報導,傑拉德還曾表示,“如果非要為自己寫一段悼詞,我會希望‘上帝比你我面對的任何困難都要強大’這句話作為我的墓誌銘。” 復活節前夕,教堂方面“以極大的悲痛”宣佈傑拉德因感染新冠肺炎去世。另外,傑拉德的妻子也被確診。 今,牧師的女兒正呼籲,希望所有人能夠待在家裡,“我懇求大家能夠認識到這件事兒的嚴重性,因為它不僅僅關乎個人,還有我們身邊的所有人。” https://junshi.china.com/global/37516414.html https://ibb.co/MnB6tbZ 蠢肉牧師傑拉德 | |||||
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CNN Expansion, Rebekah Riess By Rebekah Riess, CNN Updated 1914 GMT (0314 HKT) April 14, 2020 virginia bishop gerald glenn dies coronavirus dnt vpx_00002501 (CNN)Bishop Gerald Glenn, the pastor of New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Virginia, has died, the church announced on Sunday. Glenn had tested positive for coronavirus, according to a video posted by his daughter Mar-Gerie Crawley. Despite warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to avoid mass gatherings and maintain social distancing, Glenn said in a sermon on March 22, "I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus," and announced he was not afraid to die. It was the next day that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued his executive order banning all public and private gatherings of 10 people or more. On April 4, Glenn's daughter posted a video, announcing that both he and his wife, Marcietia Glenn, had tested positive for coronavirus. The church's post announcing Gerald Glenn's death, asked that others would allow the "First Family to grieve in their own way." "While they are mourning the heartbreaking earthly absence of their family patriarch & spiritual father, they also have family members who are struggling to survive this dreaded pandemic," the church's Facebook post read. Final arrangements for Glenn are expected to be made within the next few days. |