正野! @@ 陳冠希與阿嬌的新相!
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借此機會,本人對這次事件表示同情,期望有關人士早日擺脫夢魘。) 牧者藉影圈慾照風波反思真愛與婚姻 陳麗斯 / 基督日報記者 2008年02月04日08時10分 【香港消息】基督教銘恩堂主任梁永善牧師在時代論壇的《永善亂壇》節目中,以「慾照引發的愛情觀!」為題回應了近日引發全城關注的影圈慾照事件。 梁牧師認為事件反映今天娛樂圈青少年道德、性和愛的混亂。他提及有名人出言,勸少女小心親密照片被別人用來作要脅工具,卻不是教導青少年不要隨便與人發生關係。 他說,愛和放縱、情慾的發洩是兩回事,不要用愛作為藉口去放縱情慾,又說,婚前性行為帶來的傷害會帶來想像不到的後遺症,對女性尤為可怕,勸大家三思。 慾照被公開後,有傳聞藝人張柏芝及謝霆峰夫婦關係不和。梁牧師又藉此引起對婚姻關係的反思:當二人進入戀愛關係後,是否需要將過去一切傷痕和過犯和盤托出﹖在他的輔導經驗中,過去的過錯往往成為二人爭執時的傷痕或藉口,甚至造成離婚收場。因此他認為前事大可不提,但有必要在新的關係裡忠於對方。 他又分享了一段關於戀愛關係的文章: 「愛一個人,要了解,也要開解;要道歉,也要道謝; 要認錯,也要改錯;要體貼,也要體諒; 是接受,而不是忍受;是寬容,而不是縱容; 是支持,而不是支配;是慰問,而不是質問; 是傾訴,而不是控訴;是難忘,而不是遺忘; 是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代; 是為對方默默祈求,而不是向對方諸多要求; 可以浪漫,但不要浪費; 可以隨時牽手,但不要隨便分手。 如果你都做到了,即使你不再愛一個人,也只有懷念,而不會懷恨。」 http://www.gospelherald.com/template/view.htm?code=soc&id=9275 | |||||
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sorry not , if with-out this topic , then how could this thread attract my patronnage here ?? | |||||
有感而發,網絡世界有時真的反映人性瘋狂的一面。 始終我會思索「已所不欲,勿施於人」,易地而處,再照照鏡子,可能發現自己只是一隻禽獸而已。 也許,一直以來,大家都對「人」的評價過分高估,異端審裁所、反猶主義、文化大革命、以至多場戰爭,都反映出人類比禽獸更低等。 嬉笑背後,大家可有想到當事人所受的壓力?對這些廿多歲的女孩子來說,要承受的實在過多了。 說得太多了,對不起。 | |||||
呢件事令諗起前田慶次既兩告詩: 若無登九品蓮台之慾 亦無墜八萬地獄之罪 網絡世界令資訊同智識既流動推向無極化,亦同時將人心底既黑暗面無限放大.人無錯係完全高估咗自己,根本就比禽獸更不如,而家所有人既生存,其實都係因為到搶奪另一個人既生存空間而得黎既,因為資源既短缺同超過度開發,己經完全否定咗同天地萬物共存既可能性,甚至人與人之間亦然.所謂環保各樣,簡單問一句,重有無方法令大部份人放棄用電?完會唔用膠袋?唔用紙?唔駛加人工?企業唔要求增長?唔好以為各大商號又話環保又盛,講到尾都係一個包裝俾佢地去cut costing之嘛. | |||||
By the way, I think those artists are poor. In fact, having sex and taking photos (not sure if they really took the photos. In fact, I think all the photos are fake, until the sister in 2R said something remarkable: "有真有假 la") are simply personal matters, and it should not be related to their job, nor their fame. I still didn't read about Helen Fisher as Dye suggested, but I think normal people should have their desire about sex. If they have desire, and comes up with an agreement, and don't distrub others, I think they can do whatever they want (including taking photos). I think those stealing photos, and posting them without the agreement of the victims, are very nasty. What he(or they) do is simply doing something to hurt the victims, without they agreement. Being artists should not be expected to let everything "open" for all, for such personal matters (but unluckily, they are really expected to let it be...). Having sex is one of the example of the personal matters that should not be opened without the consent of those participants. Think of some AV actors. Yes, people could boardcast some AVs since all actors involved agree to let this show be shown in public. However, it would be different for the sex behaviors conducted by the AV actors privately with their lovers. They don't agree to make these behaviors to be boardcasted in public. Showing such private sex behaviors deprive their right, and is unacceptable, just like that simply because they work by sex doesn't mean that it's right to rape them. Just like that we have no reason to deprive the AV actors human right, we would have no reason to deprive those rights of artists in HK. It is NOT their job. In fact, people criticize that the artists always say"行野", but those "行野" is said simply because people expect something unreasonable (and outside their jobs) from them. Therefore, the artists have to say some "行野" in order to make their living... Also, there are so many people have sex (e.g. those having babies, and many other cases), and they should not face this extra stress simply because they have sex (if not deprive others rights). If those have fame should always "守身如玉", how come they can have babies? 個個童貞產子?? They should all be 絕後?? In fact, the stress impose by the society to the victims simply means that the sex education in HK should be improved. Conclusion: 就算有做, 又關你鬼事ar. In addition, not only those had sex, but also their relatives have to face additional stress on this event. 咁同"連坐"有何分別wor? By the way, I think this topic is really too sensitive, especially when the police is so serious about this matter. Hopefully, there won't be any consequences for this sensitive topic... | |||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-6 19:29 發表 an other piece of something4me2dab in passing this lunar new year , ThANKs , | |||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-6 11:49 發表 >>>>>>>>> 對這些廿多歲的女孩子來說,要承受的實在過多了。 u mean : ::::: 要承受的[[[[[earning$$$$$$$$$]]]]實在過多了????????? , p.s. : : just an other junks from me 4 funs 呢個世界一隻手掌係拍唔響既,身為公眾人物,既要得到比普通人豐富既生活,又要唔駛面對比普通更重既壓力,我睇唔見世上有咁著數既野 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-12 06:43 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表 >>>>>>>>> 完[全]會唔用膠袋 nope , all governments + semi-governments + NGOs have always been strongly ,,,,,recommending'''' that v must use ,,,,,,,,,膠袋''''''''' in 宗教性活動 , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-7 02:07 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表 >>>> 呢件事令諗起前田慶次既兩告詩: >>>> 若無登九品蓮台之慾 >>>> 亦無墜八萬地獄之罪 besides jokes , ye do have some very food 4 thought which may b classified as ought , great ! | |||||
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-6 12:44 發表 >>>> 本就比禽獸更不如, >>>> 而家所有人既生存,其實都係因為到搶奪另一個人既生存空間而得黎既, right + not-2[[=too]]-right ---------------------------------------------------------------- right : :::::::::: your hypothesis could b applied to Christiannity or Islam e.t.c. ---------------------------------------------------------------- not-too-right : :::::::::: your hypothesis may not b able to be applied to some chinese religions e.t.c. ------------------ e.g. : ::::: 道教 http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%93%E6%95%99 >>>>>>>>> 新與宗派都主張 >>>>>>>>> 儒、釋、道三教結合。 ---------- by 'the way , in modern 道taoistic temples , they worship 3 main gods : ::::: 'the central [[[[[ i.e. , the most prestigious position ]]]] : :-----> the buddha 'the buddha's right-hand-side [[[[[ i.e. , the next prestigious position ]]]] : :-----> the 孔子 'the buddha's left-hand-side [[[[[ i.e. , the most inferior position ]]]] : :-----> the 老子 - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please make sure to yourselves that the religion which-i-m-introducing is 道教 , who gifts 'the central [[[[[ i.e. , the most prestigious position ]]]] to the buddha + makes the old master of all their masters 老子 to b stuck in the most inferior position ---------- by 'the way , in hk @least , 道教 's been helping 孔教 , vice-versa , according hk's 道教's association's free newspaper , `````福报'''' ------------------ e.g. : ::::: 一貫道 : : 5教合一 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%80%E8%B2%AB%E9%81%93 ---------------------------------------------------------------- e.g. : ::::: u can b a buddhist AND a confucian AND a taoist e.t.c. All @ the same time , i.e. : :::::::::: unlike Christiannity or Islam e.t.c. Abrahamics religions , nothing exclusive ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-7 05:30 編輯 ] | |||||
2008-02-11 【東方日報專訊】網上散播疑似藝人床上慾照風波遏而不止,事件不僅哄動全城,就連宗教團體亦開始關注事態發展。天主教香港教區助理主教湯漢昨日甫上任即呼籲教友及市民,不要傳閱近期在網上流傳的疑似藝人淫褻照片,並稱教會將於月底舉行講座,推廣道德教義。他說:「《十誡》都有講,非禮勿視、非禮勿聽,更何況係傳閱?」 月底公開講座 慾照風波爆發至今已接近兩個星期,但事件未有平息,反之有關慾照不斷在網上散播,對社會的傳統道德價值造成衝擊,事件開始引起宗教團體關注。 湯漢被問及教會對事件的看法的時候,表明教會關注事件,已有計劃遏止歪風。他指出,事件關乎貞節與尊嚴的問題,教會將於月底舉行公開講座,希望透過向社會大眾及教徒大力推廣教會的教義,遏止歪風。 天主教香港教區昨日在堅道總堂,為湯漢就任助理主教舉行祈福彌撒。湯漢表示樂意充當教廷及內地的橋樑,至於會否以遊行表達訴求,他指須按教會規定。 http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/2/1/1/635213/1.html (抽按)請熟悉聖經的版友賜教:湯漢助理主教說:「《十誡》都有講,非禮勿視、非禮勿聽」,我查了很久也找不到,就算十誡以外的聖經都找不到,而榮升助理主教,對聖經有深入了解,應該不會說錯吧。怎麼辦呀?有無人可以幫我找找? | |||||
您進入了思考的盲點 -- 主教未必只可以引用聖經 今次助理主教係自知顛鼠教之不足,故將儒、佛互相結合,教化世人。 「非禮勿乜」源出【論語‧顏淵】 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/1/9/1/c4734.htm 而十誡,未必出自景教經,今次這十戒,乃是佛門的【沙彌十戒】 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index. ... 99%29&variant=zh-tw 其中有不觀歌舞等「視聽娛樂」,即屬此類。 | |||||
智慧十戒 道教戒律。全稱〝洞玄智慧十戒。即: 一者心不惡妒,無生陰賊,檢口慎過,想念在法﹔ 二者守貞讓殺,愍濟群生,慈愛廣救,潤及一切﹔ 三者守貞讓義,不淫不盜,常行慈念,損己濟物﹔ 四者不色不欲,心無放蕩,貞潔守慎,行無玷汙﹔ 五者口無惡言,言不華綺,內外中直,不犯口過﹔ 六者減酒節行,調和氣性,神不損傷,無犯眾惡﹔ 七者不嫉人勝己,爭競功名,每事遜讓,退身度人﹔ 八者不得評論經教,訾毀聖文,躬心承法,恆如對神﹔ 九者不得斗亂口舌,評詳四輩,無人咎恨,傷損神氣﹔ 十者舉動施為,平等一心,人和神穆,行常使然。 (見《無上秘要》卷四十六) http://www.ctcwri.idv.tw/indexd2/D2-12/051-100/12074/04.htm | |||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-11 15:48 發表 份報紙quote 漏野ar... 我睇新聞時聽到佢講 "新舊約《十誡》都有講,非禮勿視、非禮勿聽...". 咁"新舊約"係指? | |||||
若然您肯定的話,寫信去影視署告佢發佈虛假消息啦 | |||||
人地可能又吹孔子係基督徒、論語係耶穌所寫、孔子即是耶穌等等黎搞啦。 謊話越荒旦越多人信。 | |||||
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陳冠希不雅照風波,也成為香港基督教牧師梁永善傳教佈道的話題。梁永善說,這件事可以用來反思現代人的真愛和婚姻;他也不客氣的質疑陳冠希,說陳雖然以短片認錯,但事發後立刻離開香港,根本就是個不敢面對現實的鼠輩! 「許多無辜的人,他們的生活和生命受到這起犯罪事件影響,因此感到很痛苦、很受傷很挫折,我想利用這個機會,對受害者說抱歉。」間接承認自己就是不雅照的男主角,陳冠希道歉再道歉,只是這段畫面看在基督教牧師梁永善眼裡,不但不同情,反而還認為陳冠希並沒有真正承認犯錯。 梁永善狠批,陳冠希事發後火速逃離香港,就像老鼠一樣膽小怕事,更直言陳冠希把責任歸咎發放照片的網民,卻忽略誰才是真正的始作俑者。隨著不雅照風暴持續延燒,梁牧師也借題,發揮呼籲年輕女孩要小心親密照片被用來作為威脅工具。 矛頭指向陳冠希,牧師話說得很重,備受關注的不雅照風波有如滾雪球般越演越烈,在男主角公開露面前引發的滿城風雨,想必連當事人都始料未及。 http://news.cnyes.com/stock/dspnewsS.asp?fi=%5CNEWSBASE%5C20080212%5CWEB1181&vi=33598&date=20080212&time=21:55:39&pagetype=hkstock&subtype=home&cls=index1_hkstock 抽問:如果陳冠希是基督徒,牧師說話的版本又是如何? | |||||
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