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但不是新主見......是一早就有的教導 只是你今日才聽到罷 | |||||
Traditional and modern views The Catholic Church traditionally taught that only those who were believers and members of the Catholic Church could be saved. There was no salvation for those outside of the Church. The Council of Florence, 1441, stated that The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church... can have a share in life eternal... Pope Pius IX in his encyclical letter (1863) said that Well known is the Catholic teaching that no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church. This refers to the belief that only those who are in full communion with the Catholic Church and accept the teachings and magisterium of the Church can be saved. However, Pope Pius goes on to state that even people who are ignorant to the faith can achieve eternal life, as long as they live moral lives and follow the natural law as set out by God. God will not condemn those who have not committed a deliberate sin. This statement by Pope Pius was further explained by the Second Vatican Council. It was made clear that although salvation can only come through Christ Jesus and the Catholic Church (of which Jesus is the Head), people outside of the Church can also achieve salvation. This does not mean that the Church should stop all its work though. It means that the Church’s mission to educate others about Christ is more important. Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation. CCC 847 (Catechism of the Catholic Church) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zc668mn/revision/3 抽按:資深天主教版友說老子唔好彩可能下地獄,原來我一直以為好資深就可藉著他來為我引領慕道之路,睇黎我可能行錯路至真…… | |||||
咁佢都係說「可能」唶, 正如你也不會知道老子是否:「who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience 」 | |||||
咁佢都係說「可能」唶, 教徒修辭學真係與別不同。 | |||||
leefeng冇能力全面觀察分析但仍然中意斷章取義亂噏廿四就冇得好講啫,但係你自己講過乜嘢咁快就唔記得?你話「老子深知,與精神病人爭辯,只會浪費自己時間,而且相當有危險性,於是靜靜地走開了」,詆毁天主兼自絕於天主嘅人,唔係去地獄可以去得邊?呢個結果係你自己設計嘅,唔係我嘅發明。 | |||||
who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience 又打個比喻, 70年代足球賽事大受歡迎。南華對愉園 有些人入不埸睇波便跑到政府大球埸附近的山上, 楂住個收音機, 一邊聽一邊遠看。 這些山頂觀眾當然無埸內觀眾看得清楚, 埸內觀眾也有些坐在正中的, 看得比其他看台的觀眾清楚....不論怎樣, 他們都是球迷, 都是這埸賽事的觀眾。 天主教會....應是在正中看台, 記者廂的囉...看得最清楚 有些基督教會是13, 25看台的大單邊罷 山頂觀眾是.....(你自己填哩, 會唔會係老子?) 大家都是觀眾 | |||||
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問:耶穌說:我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。〔約14:6(和合本)〕 答:在耶穌未講這句之前的所有人,死後是否全部都要下地獄? | |||||
若望福音 14:6 卻又好似很明確地說過: 耶穌回答說:「我是道路、真理、生命,除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裡去。 那麼我又問, 耶穌有没有能力去救那些不能認識, 未有認識他的人呢? 如果耶穌說: 「他們都不是壞人, 我救他們.....」 這算不算「除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裡去。」 主權在耶穌, 不是在你怎樣說 | |||||
請原諒我有啲攰,有啲down,唔寫啦,抄貼算啦: 我話過離天主越遠人就越蠢,都叫咗你唔好坐埋嗰張枱㗎啦,而家一網之主都搞到自己冇晒觀察力同記憶力。你呢個問題我出過貼專門討論過。 | |||||
也會看有没有「蓄意抗拒, 明確拒絕, 叛逆。。」 | |||||
在日常生活中, 不做壞事已經是好人哩。。。不一定要日日布施, 捐錢, 捐血, 削肉餵鷹 聽了耶穌, 雖然不信, 不拒絕已經不錯了。 | |||||
咁你點演譯「藉著/經過耶穌」既意思? | |||||
明既,辛苦哂。 | |||||
即係呢到要發個帖, 都要藉著/經過你認可哩。。。係咪? 正如離教者之家, 你都話唔一定只反基言論先可以發表。 人人都有發言權 (不過都有啲準則) 。。係咪咁?? 你話「神佬魔幻, BBchan 都可發帖」,, 你leefeng 旁觀, 下流虫收聲哩.....我話既! 咁同耶穌話.....不認識我既好人...我都救....我話既.......有咩唔同? | |||||
比喻一般只係用黎幫助理解,但佢唔係所要理解既事物本身,單靠比喻並非一個有效回應。 不如你試下用比喻之前,將個concept搞清楚先。 | |||||
人好蠢架 (尤其係反基) 所以耶穌在福音中用上了46個比喻來講天國的道 | |||||
不過你話經上說神父就要自閹......就係把比喻當成事物本身 無辦法, 有人都話咗: 「都叫咗你唔好坐埋嗰張枱㗎啦」.....坐埋去真係蠢咗啲 | |||||
周圍既事, 都隨手可以拎嚟說教既 即使講屎屎尿尿, 粗口爛舌...都可以講到耶穌道理 |
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