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蘇美爾神話比基督教的耶禍華神話更早存在! 抄抄抄的基督教!難怪基督教徒個個說謊不臉紅,不知羞恥為何物! 尼比魯、烏爾城、永生樹、大洪水、神血人, 蘇美爾人留下的五個驚奇(上)|自說自話的總裁 蘇美王表、中國政治、阿努納奇與神族故事……| 自說自話的總裁 梳理「黑頭人」的神話:為什麼我們自稱「龍的傳人」 |自說自話的總裁 【宗教史(2/6)】探索諾亞方舟的故事背景,兩河文明的傳説! . | |||||
蘇美爾文明是舉世公認最早的文明,但這個民族來自那裏,最後又神秘消失,去了那裏,現時没人說得清楚。 據他們自己說是來自東方的「黑頭人」。因此有人說他們來自中國,最後又回到了中國,這些都和三星堆、安徽的凌家灘文明有著千絲萬縷的關係。 的確,蘇美爾文明有六、七千年歷史,早於基督教所說的人類有「四千年」歷史。 基督教妖書和「救世主」都是謊話連篇! | |||||
基督教面對這樣多的學者,專家,考古學家,和歷史實物指證,仍然做縮頭龜,不知羞恥為何物! 當然,難捨難離幾千年搶掠番黎既財富,教牧教徒又慣咗用嘴皮揾食, 最重要一點係基督教徒已經習慣咗ENJOY揼爛曬別人的文明和信仰掉晒落垃圾桶呢種好HIGH既快感, 【打砸搶欺負別教別族別人】肯定好玩過潛水同燒槍的啦! . | |||||
你好似我帶狗咁, 隻狗屎又聞, 尿又聞...乜都聞一餐 你「自說自話的蠢材」又聞一餐..囫圇吞屎咁 | |||||
呢尐就緊係猶太佬夠權威 | |||||
先知書 | |||||
就「五書作者是誰」,, 鬼佬 matt baker 講明佢都唔知答案既, 只係擺哂各家論據出嚟, 叫人自己決定。 條「自言自語蠢才」就搬埋啲偽資訊, 路邊婆說, 然後懶係講出真相咁。 (識野既都庵住咀笑哩) | |||||
哦,原來你beebeechan 只喜歡食鬼佬鬼婆的屎? 又好,滿足下你! 冇人似你咁低智商,做耶穌隻狗都做得衰過人,聞都唔敢聞,就大啖大啖呑曬耶稣教啲屎? ! 識野既的確都庵住咀笑! Disproving Christianity: Jesus is a LIE 反駁基督教:耶穌是個謊言 我試圖證明基督教是錯誤的。 耶穌是一個謊言,因為他是在他之前出現的各種神話的結合。 本視頻以最友善的方式製作,希望更多人能夠真正觀看它。 請分享這個,我真的認為這是人們需要聽到的。 My attempt to prove that Christianity is wrong. Jesus is a lie because he is a combination of various mythologies that came before him. This video was made in the kindest way possible in hopes that more people would be open to actually watching it. Please share this, I really think that it's something people need to hear. Christianity is a False Religion 基督教是一種錯誤的宗教。 揭露福音派和邪教的主要謊言和欺騙。 Exposing the major lies and deception of Evangelicals and the Cult Christianity. | |||||
哎哟,原来咁多鬼佬鬼婆反基督教喎? 關於牛津聯合會: 該聯盟是世界上最負盛名的辯論協會,在將國際嘉賓和演講者帶到牛津方面享有無與倫比的聲譽。 它已經成立了 189 年,旨在促進辯論和討論,不僅在牛津大學,而且在全球範圍內。 關於 MICHAEL SHERMER 博士: 懷疑論者協會的作者和創始人。 Michael Shermer 博士首先說世界上 84% 的人口信仰某種有組織的宗教,那些信仰特定宗教的人如何知道他們選擇了正確的宗教而其他人都錯了? 他接著解釋了兩個證據,證明人類創造了上帝和宗教,而不是相反。 他從進化論開始說,我們都是謹慎的生物的後代,他們製造假陽性而不是假陰性。 在宗教內部創建一個機構(一個無所不能的存在)是一種強大的社會控制力量。 然後第二個證據是無論我們出生在什麼樣的社會環境中,我們都會接觸到該環境中的主流宗教,即印度——印度教,歐洲——基督教。 ABOUT Dr MICHAEL SHERMER: Author and Founder of the Skeptics Society. ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe. Dr Michael Shermer begins by saying that 84% of the world's population believe in some kind of organised religion and how do those who believe in a particular religion know that they have chosen the right one and everyone else has got it wrong? He proceeds to explain two pieces of evidence that proves that humans made up God and religion and not the other way around. He starts with evolutionary theory saying that we are all descendants from cautious creatures who creator false positive rather than false negatives. The creation of an agency (an omnipotent being) within a religion is a powerful force of social control. Then the second line of evidence is the what ever social environment were born into we would be exposed to the dominant religion in that environment i.e. India -- Hinduism, Europe -- Christianity. How to Destroy Christianity With One Easy Step... | IMPACT Whiteboard Videos 有沒有想過如何僅用一個論點就可以推翻或摧毀基督教? 它實際上比您想像的要簡單。 許多人製作了關於如何反駁基督教的視頻。 但大多數人並不知道這比他們想像的要簡單。 基督教的核心是相信耶穌從死裡復活。 如果這個事實能夠被證偽,那麼數百萬人的信念就會被粉碎。 然而問題來了,這可能嗎? 畢竟,如果基督教這個延續了 2000 多年的信仰體係是建立在復活的基礎上的,那總得有一些相當不錯的說法吧? 他們真的都是基於謊言嗎? 我們真的可以輕而易舉地反駁或推翻基督教嗎? 加入邁爾斯,他將帶領我們通過各種測試來證明耶穌是否確實如聖經所說的那樣復活了。 Ever wonder how to take down or destroy Christianity with just one argument? It's actually more simple than you might think. Many people have made videos about how to disprove Christianity. But most don't know it's simpler than they think. Christianity, at its core, rests on the belief that Jesus rose from the dead. If this fact can be disproven, then the beliefs of millions would be shattered. However the question then arises, is this possible? After all, if Christianity, a belief system which has lasted for over 2000 years, is based on the resurrection, there has got to be some pretty decent claims, right? Are they really all based on a lie? Can we actually disprove or take down Christianity with one easy step? Join Myles as he takes us through various tests to prove whether or not Jesus did, in fact, resurrect as the Bible claims. . | |||||
原来你唔暁睇中文?喜歡聽鬼佬噙?! 啱既可以食晒佢…啲基督教屎! 基督教不在新約中。 他們的神學完全是騙局。 基督教顯然不是上帝之子創造的,而是由羅馬的君士坦丁大帝創造的。 約翰福音 7 章宣稱耶穌的教義是他父親的意思,是上帝賜給以色列的誡命和律法。 從創世記到啟示錄,整本聖經都沒有其他有效的教義。 羅馬的神學家只是編造了他們的教義和基督教信仰,以便讓基督教徒在他們的軍隊中作戰,並用他們虛假的國教來控制他們。 直到今天,那些神學家一直在偽造聖經。 他們篡改經文中各種詞語的翻譯,甚至在根本不存在詞語的地方添加詞語。 這樣做非常巧妙,目的是使群眾反對誡命和耶和華上帝的所有律法,從而消除得救的可能性,但使教會成員相信他們已得救或將得救。 在隨後的視頻中,我將揭露羅馬的偽造行為,在她的天主教和新教錯誤聖經翻譯中,並向您展示幾乎所有聖經翻譯都是騙局的無懈可擊的證據。 耶穌/耶穌彌賽亞說得救的方法是通過遵守他父親的誡命,馬太福音 19:16-17 和啟示錄 22:14-15 和許多其他地方。 Christianity is NOT in the New Covenant. Their theology is total FRAUD. Christianity was obviously not created by God's Son but by the Emperor Constantine in Rome. John 7 declares that the doctrine of Jesus was his Father's meaning God's Commandments and THE LAW He gave to Israel. There is no other valid doctrine in all the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Theologians in Rome simply MADE UP their doctrines and the religion of Christinaity in order to get people in Christianity to fight in their armies and to control them with their false, state religion. Those theologians have been falsifying the scriptures right to this very day, even. They falsify the translation of various words in the scriptures and they add words where words do not even exist. This is done very subtly in order to turn the masses against Commandments and all THE LAW of YHVH God, thereby nullifying the possibility of salvation but making the church member believe they are saved or will be saved. In a subsequent video, I will unmask the falsifications of Rome, in her Catholic and Protestant false Bible translations and show you the Infallible PROOF that virtually all bible translations are frauds. Jesus/Yeshua Messiah said THE WAY to salvation is through keeping his Father's Commandments, Matthew 19:16-17 and Revelation 22:14-15 and many other places. 基督教是錯誤的宗教 - 絕對可靠的證明簡介 基督教採用了耶和華的耶利米書 31 新約,完全偽造了它,並通過他們的假“新約”在戰爭和迫害中造成了數億人的謀殺,這完全是對聖經經文的欺詐。 這種騙局是由天主教神學家製造的,由新教神學家實施,他們嗜血成性,通過他們基於錯誤教義的錯誤神學來征服和控制世界,這些教義不是基於上帝兒子耶穌基督的教義,而是基於 關於被稱為神學家的惡人的虛假神學創作。 耶利米列出了一個非常明確的聖經時間表,天主教假教會中的邪惡分子將此視為控制世界的機會。 在這個簡單的視頻和它的真相之後,作為聖經守望者的聽眾有責任在大苦難開始之前將這個基本真理帶給所有在基督教錯誤宗教中的人,並且在基督教的錯誤宗教被 YHVH 上帝摧毀之前 他的兒子和他們的兩個證人。 基督教是啟示錄中的妓女,因為她自稱是基督的新婦,離開了曾經交付給聖徒並由上帝的兒子生活的真正信仰,並創造了她自己的虛假帝國,就像馬太福音 13 中撒種和種子的寓言一樣 允許毫無戒心、悔改的信徒重生,但隨後通過妓女的錯誤教義被吸進不信,這導致毫無戒心的信徒對耶和華上帝的誡命通姦。 我們在啟示錄 22:14 和馬太福音 19:16-17 中看到耶穌基督將遵守他父親的誡命定義為得救/永生的唯一途徑。 Christianity took the Jeremiah 31 New Covenant of YHVH and totally faked it and caused hundreds of millions of murders in wars and persecutions via their FAKE "new covenant" which is a total fraud upon the scriptures in the Bible. This fraud was created by Catholic theologians and carried out by Protestant theologians in their bloodlust to conquer the world and control it via their false theologies which are based on false doctrines and those doctrines are not based on the teachings of God's Son Jesus Christ but are based on the fake theological creations of evil men called theologians. Jeremiah lists a very definite biblical timeline and evil men in the Catholic false church saw this as opportunity to control the world. After this simple video and its Truth, you the hearer are responsible, as the Biblical Watchman, to take this foundational Truth to all people in the false religion of Christianity before the Great Tribulation begins and the false religion of Christianity is destroyed by YHVH God and His Son, and their 2 Witnesses. Christianity is the Harlot of Revelation because she, claiming to be the Bride of Christ, left the true faith once delivered to the Saints and lived by God's Son, and created her own false empire much like the Parable of the Sower and Seed in Matthew 13 where unsuspecting, repentant believers are allowed to be born again but then sucked into unbelief via the Harlot's false doctrines which cause the unsuspecting believer to commit adultery to YHVH God's Commandments. We see in Revelation 22:14 and Matthew 19:16-17 where Jesus Christ defines keeping his Father's Commandments as the ONLY Way to salvation/eternal life. . | |||||
睇你個衰樣就係會話鬼佬放個屁都香過中國人嗰啲長城內之蛙 | |||||
先唔講權唔權威, 個presentation都高低立見。 睇清楚究竟邊一個係識野既都庵住咀笑哩! 慢慢呑你們基督教啲屎啦,beebeechan契弟! 沒有什麼比聖經歷史更失敗的了 出埃及記真的發生了嗎? 摩西是真實存在的嗎?猶太人在埃及曾經是奴隸嗎? 是否有出埃及記的任何證據,還是全是神話? Did the Exodus really happen? Was Moses real, and were the Jews ever slaves in Egypt? Is there any proof of the Exodus or is it all myth? Nothing Fails Like Bible History - 沒有什麼比聖經歷史更失敗的了 - Episode 1 第 1 集https://youtu.be/Iep4gnmJeRE?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 2 第 2 集 https://youtu.be/ML9yaJknTic?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 3 第 3 集 https://youtu.be/iVptS_z0xmw?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 4 第 4 集 https://youtu.be/jHLWo7sGyh0?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 5 第 5 集 https://youtu.be/ZHQ2nBNhw9s?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 6 第 6 集 https://youtu.be/_W1WHCF_Fyc?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 7 第 7 集 https://youtu.be/B_BVi5HV4w0?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 8 第 8 集 https://youtu.be/dJv0OvFnVXU?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 9 第 9 集 https://youtu.be/7uq5LISB6zM?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl Episode 10 第 10 集 https://youtu.be/CUYX2nkRD2I?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl . 12 Contradictions in the Bible聖經中的12個矛盾 https://youtu.be/EAmsUay36Ww?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl 13 More Bible Contradictions 13 個更多聖經矛盾 https://youtu.be/Bw1ln7rJRXU?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl . | |||||
屌我唔識咁多。不過我同您一樣中意食鬼佬鬼婆的屎 Matt Baker就話佢自己本身係猶太佬。 佢話Isaiah7:14,53:5-6您中意點interpret. 佢吹您唔脹,佢地猶太佬不認為係講芝實士。 冇嘢咖,我尊重番原作族群咋即係咁,Oxford幾叻都好, 唔通我想學廣東大戲,唔搵廣東人師父,卻去英國咩?right? | |||||
你個冚家扑街樣衰到要舔鬼佬耶穌個屁股,做以色列人隻狗,不是更努力去索鬼佬耶穌個屁嗎? 你精神病發作?語無倫次? 你崇拜鬼佬吖馬? 不是剛剛嘲笑中國人的「自說自話的總裁」是「自言自語蠢才」嗎? 依家倒番轉繼續食屎同做全「離教」的契弟? 又扮中國人?你乜唔係隻Christianity Dog 咩? 當然你們哥兩好的魔幻可能會捱下義氣同你一齊媚洋舔鬼佬耶穌個屁股的! . | |||||
呵呵,基督教不但俾中國人踢爆,又俾外國人質疑,真是醜出宇宙! The Evidence for Jesus Is Worse than You Think耶穌的證據比你想像的更糟糕 耶穌的證據到底有多好? 耶穌真的存在嗎?如果存在,他是否做了關於他的記載? 關於耶穌和早期教會,歷史和考古學表明了什麼?Just how good is the evidence for Jesus? Did Jesus actually exist, and if so, did he do the things written about him? What do history and archaeology show about Jesus and the early church? https://youtu.be/PGHOp-9yAbA?list=PLCTNr4WPOQ97bwf-ylpCDR9kxrsEpp0kl . | |||||
可能是被以色列人消灭了 ……“圣”经 约书亚记(Joshua) ……近100万字都是消灭其他【多不胜数】各族 | |||||
回覆 beebeechan 期待默西亞來臨拯救以色列, 是猶太人夢寐以求的事。 依撒意亞書53章是論及默西亞的....但一早在猶太人會堂讀經系列中被抽起, 不再誦讀。...點解呢? 係咪「身有屎」既表現嚟? (因為該段被基徒直指是耶穌, 就是文中默西亞?) 這就是女人咁...口中說不, 心中說是 | |||||
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阿伯話耶穌唔夠資格喎。 | |||||
阿伯一睇裝扮就知佢係最保守傳統既猶太人嚟 點會同意耶穌就係經上說的默西亞 即係習帝同佢黨羽會認新疆有集中營, 勞工剝削呢啲事咩 |
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