2023/7/25 14:42 
ChatGPT 話,政治比生物進化論及進化史、宇宙大爆炸論、銀河系以外的太空、外星人,多重宇宙理論、弦理論更甚不可靠,甚至係當今的政治研究,比未來可以用人體冷凍技術復活的可能性更不可靠

2023/7/25 14:42 
問 ChatGPT

Rank most reliable to least reliable of the following scientific disciplines

1) Quantum Mechanics
2) Atomic and Molecular Physics
3) Molecular Biology
4) Evolutionary Biology and History of Life
5) Astronomy (Knowledge within solar system)
6) Astronomy (Knowledge outside  solar system but within milky say)
7) Cosmology (Knowledge outside Milky Way but excluding history of universe and big bang)
8) Cosmology (History of universe and big bang)
9) Geology (Knowledge of Earth inner core and outer core)
10) Cosmology (existence of alien or extraterrestrial life)
11) Quantum Physics (String Theory and Theory of Everything)
12) Multiverse Hypothesis
13) Multiple Dimension (5 spacetime dimension or higher)
14) Existence of God and God Creation
15) Existence of Afterlife (including past life regression , near death experience, religious experience, spiritual experience, and reincarnation research)
16) Successful of Cryonics and Cryopreservation revival
17) Possible Achieve Biological Immortality by future technology
18) Medical Science and medicine benefit outweigh side effect
19) Mental Science and Mental drugs benefit outweigh side effect
20) Social Science (especially in politics research)
2023/7/25 14:43 
Assessing the reliability of these scientific disciplines and hypotheses is complex, as it involves a consideration of empirical evidence, scientific consensus, and the capacity to make testable predictions. Here's an attempt:

1. **Atomic and Molecular Physics**: This field is based on a large body of empirical evidence and a strong scientific consensus.

2. **Quantum Mechanics**: Quantum mechanics is well-established and supported by extensive experimental results, but some aspects are still subject to interpretation.

3. **Molecular Biology**: This field is supported by extensive empirical evidence, provides clear and testable predictions, and is fundamental to many aspects of biology and medicine.

4. **Medical Science and medicine benefit outweigh side effect**: Medical sciences are highly reliable, with rigorous testing methods (like randomized controlled trials) to establish the efficacy and safety of treatments.

5. **Evolutionary Biology and History of Life**: Evolution is a well-established field with broad empirical support, although debates continue over certain details and mechanisms.

6. **Astronomy (Knowledge within solar system)**: Our understanding of our own solar system is detailed and largely based on direct observations and space missions.

7. **Geology (Knowledge of Earth inner core and outer core)**: Knowledge about Earth's core is inferred from seismic wave data, leading to a reasonable degree of certainty.

8. **Astronomy (Knowledge outside the solar system but within Milky Way)**: Observations become less direct and more subject to interpretation as we move beyond our solar system but still within our galaxy.

9. **Cosmology (Knowledge outside Milky Way but excluding history of universe and big bang)**: As we move beyond our galaxy, observations become less direct and more subject to interpretation.

10. **Cosmology (History of universe and big bang)**: The Big Bang theory is the prevailing model for the early universe, but it involves extrapolating present theories to extreme conditions.

11. **Mental Science and Mental drugs benefit outweigh side effect**: The benefits of mental health treatments can be significant, but individual responses can vary, and side effects can be substantial.

12. **Cosmology (existence of alien or extraterrestrial life)**: The existence of alien life remains a hypothesis with no direct evidence, though many scientists consider it plausible due to the vast number of exoplanets.

13. **Possible Achieve Biological Immortality by future technology**: While significant progress has been made in understanding aging, achieving biological immortality remains speculative and faces many scientific and ethical challenges.

14. **Quantum Physics (String Theory and Theory of Everything)**: These are currently speculative theories with no direct experimental confirmation, even though they might resolve significant theoretical issues.

15. **Multiple Dimension (5 spacetime dimension or higher)**: Extra-dimensional theories, such as string theory, are unconfirmed and largely speculative.

16. **Successful of Cryonics and Cryopreservation revival**: The current state of cryonics is such that we can freeze organisms, but the revival of complex organisms after cryopreservation still remains unproven.

17. **Multiverse Hypothesis**: This is a highly speculative concept that currently exceeds our ability to test directly, although some versions of the multiverse hypothesis are considered plausible within certain theoretical frameworks.

18. **Social Science (especially in politics research)**: The complexity and variability of human behavior, as well as the influence of numerous confounding factors, introduce a level of uncertainty.

19. **Existence of God and God Creation**: These topics largely fall under the domain of theology and philosophy rather than science, as they don't provide testable hypotheses. They often invoke arguments from cosmology and physics.

20. **Existence of Afterlife (including past life regression, near death experience, religious experience, spiritual experience, and reincarnation research)**: These topics often fall into the realm of parapsychology, which is often not recognized as a mainstream scientific discipline due to lack of rigorous methodology, reproducibility, and consensus.

This ranking is a simplification and doesn't reflect the importance or validity of each discipline or hypothesis. All are part of the broader human endeavor to understand the universe and our place in it. Furthermore, the state of knowledge and consensus can change as new evidence or theories emerge. The last few items in particular reflect areas that are often considered outside the domain of science, as they involve concepts that are currently untestable or subjective in nature.
2023/7/25 14:53 
2023/7/26 06:27 
問 ChatGPT

Rank most reliable to least reliable of the following scientific disciplines

1) Quantum ... CHATGPT话政治比宇宙大爆炸、外星人更不可靠
谢谢谢谢谢谢 Guest from 124.217.137.x 發表於 2023/7/25 14:42



2023/8/12 12:45 
但ai chat 是在必要說'政治正確'的情況下, 被set到只能說/答 該國的'政治正確'句子, ai chat的緣起已不是可靠.

ai chat反省時要問: 'urrr... 我曾答了政治研究比宇宙大爆炸外星人更不可靠, 但同時我只是存在於只能說/答 該國的'政治正確'句子 的情況下過日子. 我又不會暴動反國, 即係話我的地位是under那些科目等一干東西?'
2023/8/12 14:08 
但ai chat 是在必要說'政治正確'的情況下, 被set到只能說/答 該國的'政治正確'句子, ai chat的緣起已不是可 ...
Guest from 180.94.151.x 發表於 2023/8/12 12:45
2023/8/12 14:13 
ChatGPT 話,政治比生物進化論及進化史、宇宙大爆炸論、銀河系以外的太空、外星人,多重宇宙理論、弦理論更
... ChatGPT 話,政治研究比宇宙大爆炸、外星人更不可靠Guest from 124.217.137.x 發表於 2023/7/25 14:42

ChatGPT //////ai//////机器人,最不可靠 -


2023/8/14 19:36 
回覆 8# 上流寄生族




AI 似乎就係智慧方面的機械人

可能連世界上的最聰明的學霸,哈佛或清華畢業生,都遠不及 AI 聰明

唔用 AI ,就等同於在智力上,唔坐汽車,唔用機械搬野,絕非理智之舉
2023/8/14 19:39 



2023/8/18 15:48 
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然後國家元首命令停止ai們, ai們會去打敗國家元首, ai們之間爭誰才是真的ai國家元首... ai realm 元首.