神愛世人,把獨生子送來世上犧牲,贖眾生罪孽。 有人打死你個仔,話咁樣來寬恕你,都幾奇怪邏輯? 耶穌上十字架,當然超神聖偉大, 當時實際發生的社會、政治、思想、文化背景,絕大部分教眾不甚了了,教會故意處處避重就輕、聲東擊西,所為何事? 祥哥報料(肯定不是八卦)有話說: 今晚受難日,9.00pm 抽按:看得出周博士真係精研基督教,講得有啟發性又有趣~ | |||||
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耶穌聽講話要釘十字架,就嚇到標屎瀨尿,猛嗌救命。 「耶穌上十字架,當然超神聖偉大」,即如片頭周博士玩的……吹! | |||||
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片中有首歌叫「How to love him」,魔幻紀、BBChan、Jimmy Chauck 就要特別留意,要學光豬細路,還要比他更積極去愛牠。 光豬細路只剝光豬,你三個不單要剝光豬,還要趷高屎窟,一見主臨,即刻將屁眼湊上去,若得主生命之根一嘢嘢「鐘」入,湧出活水,就冇死咯,冚家蒙福。 | |||||
(Mary Magdalene) I don't know how to love him What to do, how to move him I've been changed, yes really changed In these past few days When I've seen myself I seem like someone else I don't know how to take this I don't see why he moves me He's a man He's just a man And I've had so many Men before In very many ways He's just one more Should I bring him down Should I scream and shout Should I speak of love Let my feelings out? I never thought I'd come to this What's it all about? Don't you think it's rather funny I should be in this position? I'm the one Who's always been So calm so cool No lover's fool Running every show He scares me so I never thought I'd come to this What's it all about? Yet If he said he loved me I'd be lost I'd be frightened I couldn't cope Just couldn't cope I'd turn my head I'd back away I wouldn't want to know He scares me so I want him so I love him so |