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如何研究以色列歷史?特別是起源部分,希望可以找到權威資料出處!!! | |||||
sorry not know | |||||
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jewish_history 以色列政府可以「參巧」 http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Facts+About+Israel/History/HISTORY-+Biblical+Times.htm [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-6-5 10:04 編輯 ] | |||||
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一般以亞伯拉罕後代稱為以色列人,但歷史上由於亡國而有十支派失踪,所謂失踪也者,係與其他民族同化了,所以其實今日有很多人是猶太血统而不自知。照猶太人自己的規矩,血统繼承自母系,只要您阿媽係猶太人,您就係猶太人,您老爸是誰則無所謂 | |||||
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-----反基督帝國網站的論點 不知道沙文兄以及各位對此論點的看法?是否有異議? | |||||
《圣经之谜:摩西出埃及与犹太人的起源》 內地書店都有賣,我看過,很不錯。作者是美國聖經考古學會會長。其觀點就是““以色列民族的起源根本就是[埃及人和約後]出埃及所成的.” | |||||
反而有「猶太人根本沒有在埃及住過」的學說 http://www.stnn.cc/reveal/200704/t20070404_506961.html | |||||
以色列人是不是閃族的後裔不重要,但很明顯的,以色列人是白種人(閃族人也是),但你知道古埃及人是什麼人種嗎?很遺憾,你沒有常識。現代埃及人是白種人,但古代埃及人不是。現代的觀點多認為古代埃及人已經被同化或消滅了,應該是某種有色人種,或者是白人與黑人的混血。 | |||||
去參觀一下哈佛大學的閃族博物館啦 http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~semitic/ | |||||
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變相繼承了古埃及人的部分宗教和智慧。 但出埃及後,在征服土地的過程中被雜化了。 | |||||
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現代埃及人又係點樣嘅呢? | |||||
From Wiki: Ethnicity and race In Medieval Europe, all Asian peoples were thought of as descendants of Shem. By the nineteenth century, the term Semitic was confined to the ethnic groups who have historically spoken Semitic languages. These peoples were often considered to be a distinct race. However, some anti-Semitic racial theorists of the time argued that the Semitic peoples arose from the blurring of distinctions between previously separate races. This supposed process was referred to as Semiticization by the race-theorist Arthur de Gobineau. The notion that Semitic identity was a product of racial "confusion" was later taken up by the Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg.[citation needed] Modern science, in contrast, identifies a population's common physical descent through genetic research, and analysis of the Semitic-speaking peoples suggests that they have some common ancestry. Though no significant common mitochondrial results have been yielded, Y-chromosomal links between Semitic-speaking Near-Eastern peoples like Arabs, Assyrians and Jews have proved fruitful, despite differences contributed from other groups (see Y-chromosomal Aaron). Although population genetics is still a young science, it seems to indicate that a significant proportion of these peoples' ancestry comes from a common Near Eastern population to which (despite the differences with the Biblical genealogy) the term "Semitic" has been applied. However, this correlation should rather be attributed to said common Near Eastern origin, as for example Semitic-speaking Near Easterners from the Fertile Crescent are generally more closely related to non-Semitic speaking Near Easterners, such as Iranians, Anatolians, and Caucasians, than to other Semitic-speakers, such as Gulf Arabs, Eritrean Semites, Ethiopian Semites, and North African Arabs.[12][13] | |||||
例如研究中國歷史必備 資治通鑒 史記 二十四史 。。。。等等書籍 | |||||
美國聖經考古學會會長不見得是專家 http://ggreenberg.tripod.com/basny/ "The members are mostly non-professionals who have a strong interest in these fields of study. " 作者只是一名對歷史有興趣的律師。 除了歷史,作者對電腦也有業餘興趣。 _______________________ 博物館也同意沙文 http://www.museum.upenn.edu/Canaan/LandandTime.shtml [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-6-6 00:38 編輯 ] | |||||
ThANKs | |||||
http://www.amazon.com/Were-Early ... -They/dp/0802809758 "Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? (Hardcover)" |
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