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sorry , i do still 緊張 在此攪「煽動」的訪客們不出數post之後大多會自動消失 but , after 消失 , then, they re-appear , sooner or later, they founder打沉 離教者之家 o k , they do have foundered打沉ed 離教者之家 at least twice , o k , including ' the recent time cheers ThANK ye | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-2 18:43 發表 at least twice? i only know the recent one...... can u give some details about that? maybe u r too 緊張...... i do not think the situation is too bad. only 游擊戰. so i suggest u should "輕敵" last time. do not be too stressful. take care and relax | |||||
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sorry come late , overlooked thy response sorry again sorry busy right now , i'll elaborate @ very morning 2morrow --------- by the way , could i private-message thee 4////for sending thee some relevant insiders-information ?? --------- sorry ThANK ye | |||||
````` could i private-message thee 4////for sending thee some relevant insiders-information ?? """" by private-message , i mean : ::::: 發短消息@離教者之家 cheers ThANK ye | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-3 15:28 發表 ok, thanks. actually, i am 遊客 221.127.135.x | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.135.x 於 2008-7-2 21:22 發表 at least twice? good morning , first ThANKing --------- >>>>>>>>> so i suggest u should "輕敵" last time. sorry cant quite get your meaning --------- by the way , welcome back , | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.135.x 於 2008-7-2 21:22 發表 >>>>>>>>> maybe u r too 緊張...... oyes o yes , i'm very vigilant緊張 of the site of our 家 sorry , that may b a sympton due2 my profession : ::::: i'm also a webs-developper .,;==^) | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.135.x 於 2008-7-2 21:22 發表 ' the older case , probably not ' the first case , may-b u having kenned it , ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=2142&extra=page%3D1 [[[[[[[[[ ThANKs 2 author : ::::: V飛刀 , 飛刀爺 ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> 誠如本飛刀爺所言。。。離家之後真的陷入四分五裂局面 [[[[[[[[[ made to b 四分五裂 , 100.000% really ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ not just 四分五裂 so simplo , + something made to be deeper hotter , but , not disclosablo , not want2hurt any body , sorry ]]]]]]]]] ---------------------------------------------------------------- + 蓋以為離家內部分裂只要是抽刀兄跟晴朗兄兩人版權之爭。。。。晴朗兄不滿抽到未經同意下盜取網站設計﹐聲言要追討抽刀幾百萬賠償(一個沒有經濟效益的網站是否值得撕殺爭奪﹐這個值得反思)。。。。。但本飛刀爺認為離家內部的階級矛盾古而有之。。。。實非一日之寒。。。。。這種深層意識形態的分歧為日後分裂埋下伏線。。。。。 my point@here 's : ::::: >>>>>>>>> (一個沒有經濟效益的網站是否值得撕殺爭奪﹐這個值得反思) y////why ?? ?? 是不是是 有人 混了入來 aa ? ? 是不是是 有人 混了入來 加鹽加醋 加枝插葉 [火扇] 風 點 火 aa ? ? [京尤] 好像 是 明朝, 明朝,即使 不有 清朝 皇太極 的 離間計,亡 也是遲早的事, 但, 如果沒了離間計, o甘, 會不會 像 現在 這樣 亡 得 這樣快捷 那樣慘烈 o尼 ? ? !!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ps : ::::: so sorry , some criticcal sectors 'r deliberatly missing here , in order to protect the identity of ' the respective parties , sorry [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-7-5 00:46 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.135.x 於 2008-7-2 21:22 發表 離間計 , 後學 也 親身 嶺教 過, 一些 是 針對 在下, 一些 是 針對 抽水 , + , not taken place @ 離教者之家 | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.135.x 於 2008-7-2 21:22 發表 離間計 , did have taken place @ 離教者之家 , severral times , particularrly 針對 逆大俠 逆源 | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-4 09:15 發表 any cases about that? how is he now? | |||||
first ThANKs 4////for your concern --------- the incidents in which 逆大俠-逆源's the ,,,,,favourite"""" e.g. : ::::: http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=2108&extra=page%3D1 `````舉報逆源之罪行"""" http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1828&extra=page%3D7 `````逆源没有修养"""" http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1830&extra=page%3D7 `````大家注意逆源是撒旦教的人"""" | |||||
>>>>>>>>> how is he now since : ::::: 離教者之家 `````似乎被封"""" + 逆大俠's a mainlander , so .... o k , u get it | |||||
>>>>>>>>> how is he now? i have contacted 逆大俠 .... through email .... notifying him of ````` 離教者之家 似乎被封 """" , me seems .... 逆大俠 may not b able to get around ' the 封 cheers ThANK ye | |||||
i do not think we are in 抽刀中興 era now, actually, we are suffering like 靖康之恥...... some people's attutide are like 南宋偏安...... (不知何故, 面對 如此大敵, 面對 如此攻擊, 正正是 最緊需 大家 出聲 大聲 的 反擊, 但, the most surprisingly , 反儀,大家 都 在這個時候 , [ |王王| ] 沉默,任人足下侮辱, 我 真的不知 離教者之家 現在 攪 什麼 是否 大家 都 有 被虐狂 ????????? 究境 離教者之家 還要 沉到 何時 ?????????) http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... amp;page=2#pid22676 鎖網恥, 猶未雪; 基要派, 何時滅...... | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.127.170.x 於 2008-7-6 03:02 發表 good morning 。。。。greeting 。。。。 your concern 。。。。ThANKing 。。。。 | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-6 03:28 發表 你去做岳元帥啦 |
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