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小弟有一個研究中醫既朋友 以前是熱心既基教徒 後來發現呢個現象 番去開始研究醫書,搵到原因後 即刻轉軑離教,根住佢話比我聽個理論 我覺得都幾合理,有機會同大家分享! | |||||
可能係因為有教友身體有事會容易d幫佢地祈禱?你諗下教會會唔會「大張旗鼓」 幫d「心靈軟弱、有意離教」嘅弟兄姊妹代禱掛... | |||||
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試下啦: 小弟試過有次比班基基逼我去查經 其實小弟係學佛既,因為班同事關係被逼去 查完後唔知點解發現身體有發燒徵狀,仲有想嘔既感覺 去搵我朋友把脈,跟住同佢傾傾下就講左佢個理論出黎............ 原來中醫唔同西醫,中醫醫理係結合人既情緒, 精神狀況配合五臟六腑而研究的 心屬火,喜 (亢奮) 則傷心 肝屬木,因此憂(思想、情緒低落) 則傷肝 中醫角度認為體內腫瘤和以上兩個器官有關 (待續) | |||||
原帖由 阿修羅 於 2008-8-1 11:38 發表 >>>> (待續) | |||||
原帖由 阿修羅 於 2008-8-1 11:38 發表 hi , | |||||
生癌的人四處有,基教就習慣周圍宣揚。 | |||||
師兄你好,跳一小段! 佛教徒患癌比率係相對較少既! | |||||
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望樓主詳述。我對此特別有興趣在本地做一次調查。 | |||||
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老抽刀 ,是非常正經的,he meant probably : ::::: 「天賦本錢」也 可是 你的歌聲 o麻,如果 你 不想露面,可以 拿出 podcast.etc o麻 | |||||
The challenge is even if your DNA show you are a woman, you may not think like a woman. And even if you think like one, you may not identify yourself as one. To conclude, I will respect your wish you be recognise as woman. No DNA test is needed. ------------- Back to the topic: Where is the data to support the theory of? a) Christian has more cancer b) Buddhist has less cancer c) There is a causation link between believing in Christ, and cancer | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-8-2 14:09 發表 1 theory : : in order to seduce , the churches seem to love to provide many opportunities of free lunches.etc , + their free lunches.etc consist of meat肉 heavily , + todays meats contain too many artificial ingredients , e.g. : : 人工色素,反式脂肪, i.e. : ::::: : : all the cancer癌-inviting因 elements --------- by the way , many a ThANKye to 阿修羅 as well 原帖由 阿修羅 於 2008-8-1 10:37 發表 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-8-2 14:37 編輯 ] | |||||
Where is the data? | |||||
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so sorry n'o [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-8-4 13:29 編輯 ] |
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