AV 女星白滑秘密 顏射護膚功效神奇
【蘋果日報】 2009年10月09日 精子內的一種化學物亞精胺,具有抗衰老功效。奧地利格拉茨大學研究證實,精子的化學物亞精胺( spermidine)能抑制衰老過程,例如減少自由基破壞身體而造成老化問題。研究證實亞精胺能令果蝠長命 30%,也能保護人體血管細胞免被自由基破壞。英國有報道估計,若把這種物質提煉成長壽藥,可令人類長命 25年,但研究人員認為研製抗衰老藥的路途仍很遙遠。 | |||||
精子化學物可抗衰老 一向都有用包皮來製護膚產品如去皺紋膏。 所以包皮喺有價的。 割包皮後不要忘記向醫生取回,或要佢回多少錢。 | |||||
一下忘記了 login 便發帖。 一向都有用包皮來製護膚產品如去皺紋膏。 所以包皮喺有價的。 割包皮後不要忘記向醫生取回,或要佢回多少錢。 . | |||||
(不過包皮肯定比精子罕有得多啦 | |||||
已用了多時。有時我聽到女仕們互相介紹去皺膏時,不禁搖頭而笑。 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/146761/human_foreskins_are_big_business_for.html Human Foreskins are Big Business for Cosmetics In the business of vanity almost anything goes. Creams, lotions, and cosmetics are reported to be made out many things that most people would be repulsed by. Fish scales in lipsticks, cow placenta in anti-aging products, crushed female cochineal insects in shampoo, and human foreskin in face cream. Foreskin fibroblasts are used to grow and cultivate new cells that are then used for a variety of purposes. From the fibroblasts new skin for burn victims can be grown, skin to cover diabetic ulcers, and controversially it is also used to make cosmetic creams and collagens. One foreskin can be used for decades to grow $100,000 worth of fibroblasts. Debate is growing over the ethics of using human foreskins for cosmetic purposes. One such cosmetic company, SkinMedica is raising a stir over their use of the growth hormone left over from growing artificial skin from foreskin fibroblasts. Dr. Fitzpatrick, who invented SkinMedica, works with a supplier that uses foreskin fibroblast to make injectable collagen. The foreskins that he receives the growth hormone for are used especially for cosmetics rather than for growing new skin for medical patients. SkinMedica, which sells for over $100 for a 63-oz. bottle, was made famous by Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. Winfrey in fact has promoted SkinMedica several times on her show and website. Discussions about the ethics of using human foreskins for vanity have been circulating on the web but there has not been a response from Winfrey on this debate. ==== There are more: http://cosmeticsurgerytoday.wordpress.com/2008/11/30/vavelta%C2%AE-makes-use-of-baby-foreskin-for-antiaging-benefits/ | |||||
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價錢平的那些,一定沒有。 | |||||
是說精液護膚阿~真是經濟實惠阿~男人真是全身是寶耶~!!?? | |||||
她想知道,倘若內服功效又何如?不知本草綱目有冇講? | |||||
都懷疑了很久這是事實,果然有研究証明,咁至係頂尖兒研究嘛! | |||||
喂喂喂~沙文兄還直接代表我發問喔~?不是您自己想嘗試的吧!? | |||||
節錄自《精編本草綱目》: 【性味】 味甘,性溫。 【功效主治】與鷹屎合用滅瘢痕。治金瘡出血、燙傷。 【附方】 治粉剌:用人精一合,盛入青竹筒內,在火中燒,取滴汁,密封於容器內,反複塗患處。 治燙傷止痛:用人精與鷹屎混和塗患處,癒後沒有瘢痕。 找不到內服的功效... | |||||
点解我老婆唔係咁講茄? | |||||
可能編者找了個患糖尿病的意願人士,剛巧他又小便未清呢? 那嫂子是怎麼說的呢? | |||||
http://ck101.com/archiver/tid-774126-page-1.html 我老婆就話我的特色在於【禮·樂記】大羹不和 |