人工未必很高, 但保證福利好
由於法國各大教區的神父目前處於緊缺狀態,他們決定通過社交網站Facebook來招聘新神父。 據報道,現年31歲的神父Humblot說,教區神父尤其是年輕神父的數量逐步下降,「根本沒什麼人剩下了」。不過,他在社交網站Facebook上發現了一個供有志願成為神父的年輕人交流的論壇,迅速吸引了他。 報道稱,據信法國有約64%的人是天主教徒,有4160萬。法國目前有24萬人擔任神父職務,與1975年的42萬人相比,數量上無疑是呈驟減趨勢。而且,進入主教區的神父數量也有所減少,從1999年的116位主教減少到2009年的86人。 一位神父及家庭治療專家表示,法國神職人員「出現了職位空缺危機」。「現在我們沒有招募到足夠數量的神父」。 4月20日,法國天主教花費25萬歐元在全國展開了招募神父的活動。這一活動將持續到5月5日。招募神父的廣告上口號這樣寫道:「為何不是我?」他們將向全國發放7萬張展示神父形象的卡片,鼓勵年輕人「讓上帝來做老闆」。為配合招募而在社交網站Facebook開設的網頁很受歡迎,一周就吸引了1200人加入並成為「粉絲」。 http://www.scdaily.com/News_intro.aspx?Nid=10044 人工未必很高, 但保證福利好 雞姦教友後有本督16幫您埋單 | |||||
法教會Facebook募神父 睇多兩野便知是資料失實, 亂吹24, 山草藥帖.... 全球才只有400000多既神父, 無理由一半就在法國, 佔咁大比率都仲話神父荒 不合邏輯 貼不合邏輯,九流料又算是甚麼呢? | |||||
熟悉天主教運作的人都知神父是不會, 不應, 不能『招募』的. 閣下先多充實你自己才開帖會好一點 | |||||
想唔話你係知識貧民都唔得 本篤十六世出任教宗時名拉青格, 是羅馬教廷信理部主管, 工作就是清理門戶,楸出犯事缺德的神父. 工作為前教宗JPII稱讚. | |||||
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警察勤力dee去賊, 捉多左賊, 不等同是社會風氣敗壞了 咁簡單既數字分柝你都唔多竅囉 | |||||
咁簡單既數字分析你都唔多竅囉 | |||||
你仲乜詞窮到要舐我口水沬? 我dee口水尾香架? | |||||
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beebeechan是天主教徒?? | |||||
天乜鬼嘢吖, 扮咖咋 | |||||
法國神父就真係寧舍多過人 -- 因為法國神父坐監較少, 但點都係冇乜人入職 French church recruits young priests via Facebook PARIS — As he sat in Church last Sunday afternoon, Guillaume Humblot found himself troubled by the declining number of Catholic priests in France, and asked himself if he was ready to join the cloth. "There are almost none left," the 31-year-old Humblot said. On Facebook, Humblot discovered a forum dedicated to people who, like him, are considering the priesthood. The page was part of a campaign, launched by the Catholic Church this month, to attract young people to the priesthood following decades of dwindling ordainments — and amid waves of sexual abuse allegations that have darkened the reputation of the Catholic priest. There are around 24,000 priests in France today, down from 42,000 in 1975. The number of Catholics entering the diocese has declined as well, from 116 ordainments in 1999 to 89 in 2009. "There is a crisis in vocation," said French priest and family therapist Stephane Joulain. "We don't have sufficient numbers to renew the number of priests available for ministry today." "Pourquoi Pas Moi?" or "Why Not Me?" is the slogan for the recruitment campaign — which today may prove a tough question for the Church to answer. The euro250,000 campaign was launched nationwide on April 20 and will last through May 5. Seventy-thousand postcards depicting a Catholic priest's outfit with a button reading "Jesus is my Boss," pinned to the lapel and the slogan "Why not?" written underneath will be distributed to 600 points throughout France, including restaurants, bars and movie theaters. A Facebook page created April 21 garnered over 1,200 fans within one week. From Germany to the United States to Brazil, hundreds of victims have come forward in recent months to say they were abused by Catholic priests, plunging the church into a worldwide crisis that has reached Pope Benedict XVI. Many churchgoers say Vatican leadership has not reacted strongly enough. French priests have not escaped the sexual abuse allegations, although complaints in France are less numerous than in countries such as Ireland, the United States and Germany. "We must avoid stigmatizing priests," said Eric Poinsot, one of the priests coordinating the campaign. "All priests are not pedophiles and we don't want to be identified that way. We would rather work to present the priest as ... someone who believes in happiness, who searches to communicate." While 64 percent of the French population, or 41.6 million of the country's 65 million inhabitants, identifies itself as Catholic, only a little more than 2 million attend church each week, said Jacques Carton, a representative from the Bishops Conference in France. The current advertising campaign hopes to revitalize the Church's image in French society — but its main goal is to encourage young men to consider the priesthood. "The priest is a disappearing presence in French society today," said Frederic Fonfroide de Lafon, director of the communications company Bayard Service, which the Church hired to run its campaign. "Often people think of him as a man a bit apart. I wanted to show that he is a man that is a part of society." But young people like Humblot are still torn. "I'm asking myself the question," he said. "It's a calling that interests me, but today I am unable to tell you if I am ready to go down that path." Humblot, who enjoys karate and going to movies and is from the Paris suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt, is not sure if he is ready to completely change his lifestyle. Most difficult for him to accept is the Catholic priest's commitment to celibacy. "I understand celibacy," Humblot said. "It's not something I question, even if it's a difficult choice." The vow of celibacy is not the only difficult sell the Catholic Church faces in its efforts to attract young priests. "Without a doubt, celibacy is an obstacle for the young today because it's a radical commitment," Poinsot said. "It's also difficult for a young person to envision being a priest forever, especially in a society where people have many careers during their lifetime. The financial question is also difficult. The French priest does not make a lot of money." Poinsot said that since the campaign launched last week, he's been receiving more than 100 emails a day in response, nearly all positive. The number of Catholic priests in Europe and the United States was in decline well before the recent sex abuse scandals. Ordainments are increasing globally, however, in large part thanks to Asia and Africa. Churches around Europe have increasingly brought in young priests from developing countries. It's common to see an Italian congregation straining to understand the Sunday sermon because it's delivered in heavily accented Italian by young clerics from Brazil, Mozambique, the Philippines and other countries where seminaries still represent a way to get an advanced education and earn a respectable living. The priest who delivered Mass Sunday at Humblot's church in Boulogne-Billancourt was African. European priests are also aging. The average age of an Italian priest in 2003 was 60, with one of every eight priests 80 years or over, according to a study by a lay Italian think tank, the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, for the Italian bishops conference, found. While he knows the Catholic church wants him, Humblot, an editorial assistant, said he will take his time to make sure he's ready for such a lifestyle change. "I already have a professional life," he said. "I'm already settled in my life. I have hobbies, I like to see my friends. It's not easy to completely change your life like this." Associated Press writer Frances d'Emilio in Rome contributed to this report. http://www.google.com/hostednews ... 9qaYqvqQ6QD9FCOVD80 | |||||
(通常都係無人睇....) 你想呢個埸旺, 你要寫番dee好帖囉. | |||||
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國際/紐時:包庇性侵神父 若望保祿二世也有份 法新社華盛頓10日電,「紐約時報」(New York Times)今天報導,教宗本篤十六世(Pope Benedict XVI)和他的前任教宗若望保祿二世(John Paul II),都再三拖延免除一名涉嫌性侵男、女童的加州神父的聖職。 律師安德森(Jeff Anderson)昨天提供給法新社的一連串信件顯示,1980年早期,奧克蘭教區(Oaklanddiocese)的多名資深主管,曾一再對加州神父基斯勒(Stephen Kiesle)的行為表達疑慮。 加州奧克蘭前任主教柯明斯(John Commins)在1981年就主張基斯勒神父被免除聖職。但是4年之後,當時一名梵蒂岡高層的主管說,此案需要更多時間,且在考量「天主教會的利益」後做出最後決定。這位主管就是日後的教宗本篤十六世。 柯明斯表示,鑒於當時許多神父還俗,梵蒂岡非常不願意解除神父神職。 柯明斯也告訴紐時,已逝的教宗若望保祿二世當時「的確拖延整個程序,再三斟酌此案」。 根據法新社取得的法院文件,柯明斯1981年6月致函教廷,請求上級解除基斯勒神職,並在信中引述1978年法庭文件,顯示基斯勒對性侵6名年齡介於11歲到13歲孩童的罪名,做出無異議抗辯。 後來柯明斯又在1982年2月致函當時負責天主教會教義的拉辛格(Joseph Ratzinger),再度敦促他開除基斯勒神職。拉辛格後來成為教宗本篤十六世。 到了1987年,基斯勒才遭免除聖職。基斯勒性侵受害人的委任律師安德森說,基斯勒後來在北加州品諾(Pinole)教區,擔任8個月的青年協調人。 http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=109&docid=101124494 | |||||
那裏有說「全球才只有400000多既神父」? |