Esu不希望永远保持行星王子的职务,他亦不该。如同在某信息与坎迪斯所讲的,他希望当你们都成熟了,他就离职,由你们自行选举新的行星王子。在路西法叛变中,自行处理自己的事务,正是某些人所期望的,你得知道,他完全可以提出请求,提出一个可行的方案,而没有必要发起暴动。假如一个命题,有着计划周密的参数,我会很开放地去测试它。(译者:CM的意思是,如果有人提出一个深思熟虑过的周密方案,他会考虑去实验一下。比如,当初路西法对CM有异议,希望按照自己的思路去管理世界,CM告诉他这行不通,而路西法固执地坚持,于是CM同意他去做实验......恩...所以我们有了现在的世界...参考“床头故事”。) Many of you are amongst the "fallen" angels. You are now Ascending Sons, because that is what you desired and I gave you that gift. I will not hold you hostage, that is not how I go about my business. I have given this to many in my realm. 你们很多人是“堕落”天使。现在你们是扬升之子,因为这是你们所愿,我给予了你们这个礼物。我不会操纵你们,这不是我处理事务的方式。在我的界域内都是如此。(译者:所谓“天使”...在我们的地方宇宙,天使是由CM按照特定目的直接创造的,他们担任很多职位,从事很多工作,比如在星球上播种生命,天使被称为“沉降之子”。而假如天使选择化身为人来体验生命,也会成为“扬升之子”。一般的扬升之子是在自然界“植物-动物-人类”的演化中产生的,比如Esu。) Some Descending Sons chose to take an incarnational journey, to experience in various realms, including 3D, to understand their jobs, as Descending Sons, of raising up the Ascending Sons of the evolutionary worlds. Most chose to return as Descending Sons, continue the job for which they were created. Some find they do not want to continue in the job description for which they were created by me, and would rather become Ascending Sons, and this I grant also, 100% of the time, if the wish is true and desired, and the long incarnational journey of study understood. 一些沉降之子选择了化身之旅,去体验包括3D在内的各种各样的界域,为了理解他们作为沉降之子的工作——协助演化世界中的扬升之子。大多数选择作为沉降之子回归,继续他们被创造出来所从事的工作。而有些发现自己不想继续我创造他们出来以让他们从事的工作,如果他们的愿望是真实渴望的,而且理解漫长化身之旅的学习,我会100%批准他们。 I have occasionally granted it, to those who are simply on their big soapbox, and do not truly understand what they desire. They usually make a mess of things in the process, but they do learn. Some I allow to return to the Universal realms of the Descending Sons, others I do not, because they must lie in the bed they made for themselves, experience their error. They become Ascending Sons, only when they wake up, and attract a Thought Adjuster, that is their only choice. 有些沉降之子只不过热情地演说,但并不理解自己真正渴望什么,偶尔我会批准。他们通常在这个过程中搞得一团糟,但是确实学习到了。我允许有些人回归沉降之子的宇宙界域,其他的则不允许,因为他们必须自食其果,体验自己的错误。只有当他们醒来,吸引一个思想调节器(父之片段),他们会变成扬升之子,这是他们唯一的选择。 Now back to that double incarnation with Sananda. I suggested he is a warrior. I needed, in my special mission, someone to help. Coming unattended by a Celestial Staff is the rule, but in my unusual case I needed one other, someone who understood this planet, by his experience on it, and long understanding not only the planet, but also the Anunnaki. So we agreed to journey together. 现在回到与Esu的双重化身这一话题。我提出Esu是一名战士。在我独特的使命中,我需要某个人的协助。没有任何天国人员的陪同是惯例,但是我的情况独特,我需要一个理解这颗星球的人,以他的经验,不仅仅了解地球,也了解Anunnaki。所以我们同意一同游历。 这在The Urantia Book中没有提及,出于对我们的旅途的保护。你们在教导使命中的人如果没有阅读坎迪斯与我们合作的资料,错过了很多知识,我建议你们阅读,为了理解进行中的故事。然而,亚当和夏娃将紫色DNA引入地球人类的使命失败了。Anunnaki也严重搞乱了地球人类的DNA。 To repair this, I came into the world with DNA from Gabriel, very "high" DNA. The reason Urantia does not cover this, and tells instead a slightly different story, is because our BBB&G's hunt down the celestial DNA and exterminate the carriers of it. 为了补救,我带来了大天使加百利很“高级”的DNA到地球上。之所以The Urantia Book没有提及,而是讲述了一个略微不同的故事,是因为我们的BBB&G's(大坏蛋们)对于天国DNA穷追到底,灭绝其携带者。 I did indeed leave this double incarnation at the time of the Cross, and Sananda was healed, actually the special body healed, and then Sananda carried the genetics to India where he married and fathered 5 children. He and Mary Magdalene also brought a female child, SaRa into the world, in Europe. Mary Magdalene was the incarnate Lady Nada, Sananda Immanuel’s soul mate. Mary Magdalene, as well as Mother Mary carried some improved DNA also, as did the person that Sananda married in India. The recent novel by Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code, discussed and did teaching about preserving the DNA from SaRa, and the conspiracies to kill off the carriers of the Holy DNA. 在十字架上的时候(:据Esu说,当时只是装昏迷....),我确实离开了这个双重化身,Esu被治愈了,那个特别的身体的确痊愈了,然后Esu将DNA带到了印度,他在那儿结婚,育有5子。在欧洲,他也和Mary Magdalene生了一个叫做SaRa的女孩。Mary Magdalene是Esu的灵魂伴侣Lady Nada的化身。Mary Magdalene,Mother Mary(圣母玛利亚)和与Esu在印度结婚的女人,都携带着一些改良的DNA。最近丹·布朗的小说《达芬奇密码》,讲述了保护SaRa的DNA,以及密谋消灭神圣DNA携带者的故事。 Since 2000 years ago, many have come, bringing in the superior DNA from other planets, raising up the DNA of this world. Urantia could not discuss this, also it denied reincarnation, because of protecting the star people incarnating to work for me, and bringing some DNA along with them. They also, while incarnated repair the existing DNA, and the karma it carries, taking on the karma of others, and releasing the patterns in the DNA, early in their lives before they reproduce, healing the Karma of this planet in this manner. And now you are aware of this, watching what are called the Indigo, and Crystal children being born into the planet over these past few years. 自从2000年以前,许多人带来其他星球的高等DNA,以提升地球的DNA。The Urantia Book里没有论述此事,也否认转世,为了保护化身在地球上为我工作的星际人类,他们也带来一些高等DNA。他们通过转世修复现有的DNA及其业力,承担其他人的业力,释放DNA里的模式,在他们生育之前的早期人生里,通过这种方式治愈地球的业力。现在你们觉察到了,看看过去数年里出生在地球上的“靛蓝”和“水晶”。 I am having a Second Coming Event for two reasons; it is a wake up call, and helps Christians who are expecting an event, often with the rapture attending it. The only rapture, will be the joy, nobody is going up into the clouds to watch it all. The other reason is that during the event, the Earth will be cleansed of the negative thought forms, the lower astral entities up to no good, and the Animus, that Candace has mentioned in her Red Blob story. 基督再临事件有两个原因:其一是觉醒之呼唤,帮助期待此事件的基督徒们,他们通常期待着狂喜。唯一的狂喜,是一种喜悦,无人会飞入云端观望一切。另一个原因是,在此事件过程中,地球将净化掉消极思想形式,不怀好意的低等星光存在体,以及Animus,坎迪斯在她的《红色斑点》故事中提到过。 These are going into the sacred fire that annihilates them; they shall be no more. Earth will not see this visually. In a way, this is hell fire, for all eternity that is taught on Earth, but totally misunderstood. No one will see flames, and it is for eternity, because if you no longer exist, you can't return. This is what is called the Second Death, from which there is no return. 他们将进入毁灭他们的神圣之火;他们将不复存在。地球上是不可见的。某种程度上,这就如同地狱之火,按照地球上一直所教导的,但这完全被误解了。无人将看到火焰,它是永恒的,因为假如你不再存在,你就无法回归。这就是所谓的“二次死亡”,永不会归来。 I AM a Master Creator Son, and can now order this. I do not carry it out, the SuperUniverse does. I do this with great sorrow, but out of necessity. The Animus, as told of at "http://www.wingmakers.com/" are an artificial race, they do not have the intelligence of the Ascending Sons, and are predatory in nature. They do want a body, but do not want the responsibility of the Ascending Journey. It is time to end their reign of terror. 我是一名伟大的造物主之子,我可以发号施令。这并不是由我执行,而是由超级宇宙。我怀着无比的悲痛做这些,但是迫不得已。Animus,如同http://www.wingmakers.com/所讲述,是一个人造的种族,他们没有扬升之子的智慧,本质上掠夺成性。他们确实想要一个身体,但是不想承担扬升之旅的责任。是时候终结他们的恐怖统治。 The negative thought forms are not real entities, and they can't take the journey. Mankind does not know how to rid himself of them, so I will do so. Some of the other lower astral, and negative 4D entities will be removed to the void planet. The rest will face extinction of personality. This is the adjudication of the age, and much of this is handled by the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. 消极思想形式不是真正的实体,他们无法参与扬升之旅。人类不知道如何摆脱他们,所以我会处理。有一些低等星光存在体和消极4D存在体,将被移入空无之境(void planet)。其余的将面临个性的毁灭。这是这个时代的判决,大部分由权威之子Monjoronson处理。 Candace has put out a newsletter to clerics, to announce the Second Coming. In it, she states that I and Sananda are not only advisors, but also her personal friends. Did not Buddha do a book, through Neale Donald Walsch, called Friendship with God? Indeed friendship with God is not only possible, but highly encouraged, and highly important. This is Unity Concept in action; we are all one, whether Creator Son, Descending Sons or Ascending Sons at any level even if we are trees, ants, flowers. 坎迪斯发布了一封给牧师的简讯,宣告基督再临。在简讯里,她声明我和Esu不仅仅是顾问,也是她的私人朋友。难道佛陀没有在与尼尔的书里说,要与神为友?当然,与上帝的友谊并不仅仅是可能的,更是高度鼓励,非常重要的。这是运转中的合一概念;我们皆是一,不管是造物主之子,沉降之子,还是扬升之子,不管在任何层次,即使是树木,蚂蚁,花朵。 Many of you have been a tulip in your distant past; that is evolution. An evolutionary planet is one with all its life forms, because all evolved on the evolutionary planet, all share the DNA. Man is but the accumulation of the knowledge obtained by spirit through its DNA journey on the evolutionary planet. God is quite simple, really, in concept. 你们很多人在遥远的过去曾是一株郁金香;这是演化。一个演化星球与其全部生命形式同在,因为一切都在演化星球上进化,一切都分享DNA。人类,不过是在演化星球上通过其DNA之旅,藉由灵魂而获得的知识的积聚物。实际上,上帝的概念非常简单。 Man is supposed to care for the planet of his origin, the DNA of his origin, all of it. Man eventually through experience will advance the DNA of the planet, with the aid of Life Carriers who come when the time is right, to help in that learning. Earth will see this someday, but the time is not ripe. 人类应该照料他所起源的星球,DNA,以及一切。人类最终通过经验,将提升星球的DNA,在生命传递者(Life Carriers,由CM直接创造)的援助下,他们会在合适的时机协助人们的学习。有朝一日地球也会如此,但是时机尚不成熟。 Earth's DNA was harmed by the Anunnaki many a time, who like to call themselves creator gods, because they had some knowledge of genetics. You will find them, in various New Age literatures describing that they are your true parents. They are not, because they are only geneticists, with a poor understanding of spirit and God, and the evolutionary process. I am your Father God, and Nebadonia, the Mother spirit of Nebadon, is your Mother. 地球的DNA屡屡遭到Anunnaki的损害,他们喜欢称自己为造物上帝,因为他们有一些遗传学知识。你们在许多“新时代”资料里会发现,他们被描述成你们真正的父母。他们不是,因为他们仅仅是遗传学家,而对于灵魂,上帝和演化进程,有着极其拙劣的理解。我是你们的圣父,而Nebadonia,作为Nebadon的Mother spirit,是你们的圣母。 Candace: For my readers, we discussed in an early message in simplicity, that the Father of all is that, and provides personality, the Son is the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit contributes mind. The Creator Son brings to his Universe, the attributes of the Father and Son. The Mother Spirit brings the attributes of the Spirit. Nebadonia is name of our Mother Spirit. 坎迪斯:读者们,我们在早期的资料里简单论述过,圣父提供个性,圣子提供生命之灵,圣灵提供mind(头脑/思想/心智?)。造物主之子将圣父与圣子的属性带进他的宇宙。Mother Spirit带来圣灵的属性。Nebadonia是我们宇宙的Mother Spirit的名字。 Christ Michael: These scientists, Anunnaki, and now your little grays, cannot create the Spirit of Life. They can only manipulate its genetics. They are not Creator parents, because they cannot create Personality, the Spirit of life, and Mind. This is the prerogative and knowledge of the Creator Sons, and the Universe Mothers. This is my knowledge, and Nebadonia’s. You who have seen me, have seen the Father. And you will see me; I will walk the planet in a special body designed for that purpose. But I am much more than the body. CM:Anunnaki,以及你们现在的小灰人,他们的科学家无法创造生命之灵。他们仅仅操纵其基因。他们并非造物父母,因为他们无法创造个性,生命之灵,和mind。这是造物主之子和宇宙之母的特权与知识。这是我与Nebadonia的知识。你们见到我,就是见到父。你们将见到我;我将用一个特别设计的身体行走在地球上。但是,我远不仅仅是一个身体。 Back to Friendship with God. Many people who sense God speaking often assume this is Jesus, because of the lack of teaching. You know that Angels and guides of a wide variety communicate with you, when you listen. As you continue to grow up, more will commune with me, more will commune with the Magisterial Son. We can communicate with many in a variety of ways at this time. You will communicate with us, when you become aware of us. It is again, just that simple. 回归与上帝的友谊吧。许多人感觉到上帝在讲话,由于缺乏教导,臆断那是耶稣。你应该知道天使和指导灵会经常与你交流,当你用心聆听的时候。随着你继续成长,你会更多地与我交流,更多地与权威之子交流。我们可以同时跟许多人通过多种方式交流。当你觉察到我们,你会与我们交流。这又是如此简单。 But do not assume all communication is from us; much comes from your Angels and Guides also. It is not so important to know the identity, but to look at the message. If you get told to go kill somebody, this would not be a wise communication to follow as a most simple example. There will always be a little Satan around, not really Satan, but negative influence and you must discern your actions, and act as you truly are, not as somebody wants you to be, for it will be understood through the teachings coming that your choices are your choices, not another's. 但是不要假定所有的交流都来自于我们;很多也来自你们的天使和指导灵。知晓身份并不那么重要,但是要考虑一下讯息。一个简单的例子,假如你被告之去杀死某人,这绝不是一个可以遵循的明智讯息。始终会有一个小撒旦在周围,不是真正的撒旦,而是消极的影响,你必须洞悉你的行动,做你真正的自己,而不是某人希望你做的,通过未来的教导,你会理解到,你的选择是你的,而不是另一人的。 我在这儿,一个身体之中,亲自以我的经验来学习,通过体验我们共同的创造是否更能理解我的宇宙?由于我的选择的性质,我也是一个沉降的造物主之子,感受一个扬升之子的体验,带着我第一次化身地球时同样的个性化调节器,它忠实地为我工作,让我与天堂之父保持联系。 总之,沉降的造物主之子再次降临了,我不仅仅关心地球改造,也进行其他的学习。造物主之子并不倾向于指挥星际舰队;他们倾向于凑凑热闹。我发现这种体验很重要。我离开中心宇宙之后,Esu再次和我一起开始了这次使命。 The Urantia Book在我们与昴宿舰队一起回归的一年之后付诸印刷。其余的就是你们渐渐理解的历史。从这个角度看,我们会一起向前旅行,彼此为友,Two Or More In My Name。合十礼,以我内在之上帝,致你内在之上帝。我是CM,Nebadon的主权之子。 本文转载自: http://hi.baidu.com/dreamend___/ ... ac3402d8f9fd0a.html |