看看 Country Info,原來很多國家都在逼害基督徒的,中國就是其中之一: More about Christianity in China What can I pray for? Pray for the evangelists who travel around the countryside. They are usually on the run from the police and risk their lives to take the Gospel to the most remote places. Pray for Christian prisoners and their families. The conditions in Chinese labour camps are severe. Pray that God will protect their health and use them as a witness to their fellow inmates. Pray that more and more Chinese believers will be trained to teach God's Word and therefore combat false teaching. Pray for the Sunday School teachers. That they will be able to carry on their work without harassment or arrest. Christianity There are often police spies in the midst of house church believers. 有秘密警察在教徒家中 Christianity first came to China via missionaries from the Middle East in AD 635. Today, the communist government's religious policy is one of control and repression. There are two major Church movements in China: the official Three Self Church (TSPM), which is closely governed by the communist party, and the unregistered house churches. The house church movement is vast in numbers with an incredible growth rate. In 1996, the government launched the 'Strike Hard' anti-crime campaign, which was aimed at controlling crime and registering all the house churches. 共產政府壓抑基督教 Persecution Chinese believers are desperate for Bibles and teaching books. Whenever house church pastors and believers refuse to be registered and aligned with the Three Self Church, they are pressured and punished. The persecution ranges from fines and Bible confiscation to destruction of house church buildings. When these Christians, both men and women, consistently continue preaching, evangelising and passing on literature, they are arrested, beaten, tortured, interrogated, imprisoned and sometimes even killed. One Chinese believer said, "A house church Christian, who delivers illegal Bibles, must entrust his or her life to the others in the network. You need to know that when your brother is tortured and interrogated, he won't inform the police about you. We are prepared to die for Christ and for each other." 基督徒被拘捕、虐打、囚禁、死刑 Children It is estimated that there are about 500 million children in China. Every day at school and college they are taught that God does not exist and that to believe in Jesus is superstitious and unpatriotic. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to be taught from the Bible or encouraged to put their faith in God. It is also illegal to print any Christian literature for children. 兒童被灌輸無神、耶穌是迷信、未滿十八歲傳教是違法 "Tell the believers in the West that we Chinese suffer because in following Christ we learn to die. If they don't understand that, then we are suffering in vain. We must suffer to witness." House Church Christian http://sb.od.org/index.php?supp_page=china_2&supp_lang=en&PHPSESSID=bdeddb2a98e6ac078d45a6588711daf0 | |||||
China allow Church to register, and under the control of the government. Illegal Church, like illegal trial society, underground fire arms selling, is illegal in China. And these Christians knowingly set up illegal society in China and then cry wolf, it is kind of bullshit. Hong Kong would not allow illegal set up of food store to sell "fish ball", does that call for prayers that these illegal food stores would not be caught? These Christians think that they are above the law. No they are not above the law. They are under the law because they are part of society. Would you want to have a group of people thinking they are above the law? That they could kill and harm because they folllow god law? Of course not. We see 911 and we know that these religous fanatics are dangerous. I would encourage all Chinese good citizens to expose these underground Church, so that they would know they are not above the law. | |||||
對於那個 Open Doors 組織的蓄意歪曲,令基督徒總以為自己是受逼害,常常以受害者自居,目的是否營造同仇敵愾氣氛,以團結勢力? |